~Chapter 5~

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There came a knock on my door, but it was already open. When I looked up there was my mom. I smiled and said "hey mom whats up?". She came and sat on my bed. "I want you to start going to school next week" she said. "what school would I be going to?" I asked. "The same school as Teddy, Ballard High school" she said. "okay" I said and smiled at her. She got up and kissed my head. When she started walking to the door I called "Mom". She turned back and said "yeah". "I love you" I said. "I love you too" after that she left.  And I smiled to myself.

Ana's POV 

When I got out of Jess's room I was so happy. When I turned the corner I ran into Christian. He just looked at me with a confused look on his face. "what?" I asked, "nothing you just look really happy about something" he said. "well Jess just said she loved me" I said. He looked jealous about it. "Not fair I want some of that" he said. "Its not my fault she said it to me first" I said. Christian opened his mouth to say something but was cut off. "Really you two?" a voice said. When we turned we saw Jess leaning against the wall looking at us. "I love the both of you. In fact I couldn't be happier to be here" she said and smiled. We went to pull her in for a hug when she said "wait theirs someone missing here". She walked off and came back with Teddy. "alright now we can hug" she said.

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