In a highly confidential lab in USA, ;Sir Robbex, "The experiment is not going smoothly. We had find some error. The dream wave isn't powerful enough. We should stop it soon or there will be a big mess" said his assistant ." Dont! See the dream wave meter is increase. What! Its just released by a single boy. What is he?" said Robbex. As they were watching dream wave meter starts to increase faster than before. "Sir, its overloading" said one of the scientists." Start the dream world project. Lets attain the world of power. Hahahahaha"said Robbex with evil smile But the experiment machine didnt go the way it was planned. "Sir, there is a non stop dream wave. The machine is going to explode we should evacute soon" said his assistant but Robbex didn't move an inch. The assistant was going to stop the machine but before it, the machine exploded. As the world of the darkness filled with something shiny sparkles. As the landscape of this world changed to something beautiful.

The Firender An Unknown Hero
ActionA total loner, gamer and otaku, Afham. Had a dream of someone asking him help and bang, he fell down and this aint the same world he was a minute ago. Is he the protagonist of this story, who knows but he is the loner. What! Where am i? Who is this...