Welcome To Niclub

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"Okay I only have three days in town until o go back to New York so we HAVE TO go to Nicks club." Allison said with excitement.
I looked at her and rolled my eyes "Are you actually being serious Ally? Nicks club? We haven't seen him in years so why would you wanna go to his club?"

"Because Yaz we've never gone to his club before so it could be fun."
I scoffed "No fucking way Allison."

Allison nudged me "Yasmine you're such a pussy."
I made an offended look "How am I being a pussy if I don't wanna go to some stupid club? Nicks club is part strip club so I don't think we'd be any use there."

She chuckled "We're only going for the drinks Yaz, not the stripping."
"Well I don't drink." I pursed my lips.

If you're wondering, yes Nick did start a strip club. You've got a real good memory if you remember Nick saying to miss Hosey that poetry was useless if he was going to end up working at a strip club. I'm the end he didn't just work at one, he owned one and now he gets A LOTTA money!

"Come on Yasmine, just this the only time we'd be aloud to go out and I'll really miss you when I leave." Allison poured and she gave me a frown.

"Well whose going to look after Malia?" I grinned because I knew her plans would be ruined.
"Noah can."

I looked at her for a minute and I wanted her to give up but I finally gave in.
"Okay fine."

"But we can't tell Noah, I don't want him to get mad at me for leaving him to go to a club." I interrupted her and looked at her sternly.
"Okay fine by me."



We were walking up to the club and I could already hear the music blasting with people crowding around the door.
Nick was standing at the main entrance with a body guard and he saw Allison and I.

"No way! The two best friends who can never be separated, my babies Ally and Yaz!" He cheered.
I could tell that he was really hyped even though he wasn't the one who had been drinking.

Allison and I both looked at each other and giggled. (A/N— Yeah I still hate that word "giggled" ughhh!).

Nick pushed past everyone and he allowed us inside the club.
"Welcome to Niclub!" He shouted over the music.
How fucking cringy but funny.

That name had a pretty weird ring around it but it was kinda cool at the same time because of how he joined his name and the club bit together.

"No way, when you used to talk about owning a strip club I never knew you meant it." Allison smiled.
"It's always been a dream and now it's come true. Anyways I'm so glad to see you both here, come on let me show you around."

We followed Nick inside and he showed us around.
We entered the main part of the club and there was a huge dance Floor along with a gigantic disco ball on the ceiling.

"Over here we have the make your own drink stand, not all is alcohol so that might be good for you Yaz." Nick winked at me and gave me a soft smile.
I smiled back.

"Over there is the keg that we spray on everyone each hour-"
"Why do you have a keg that sprays everyone?" Allison asked him.

Nick scoffed "Because why not? Plus it's a lot of fun and it gets the crowd all hype and shit!"

"Over there is the wall that everyone takes their selfies and it's really the main part of the club so whenever you take a photo behind that wall, everyone know that you've been here so it's a signature of the entire club. That's just the sitting area where you pass out and next door is the strip dance part where all the other guys go to process all of their sexual needs."

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