Part 1 - The Ring of Power

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A/N - Welcome back my readers! I know I took a long break there but I moved again and life is kinda awful. I hope that everyone is doing great though. Well I'll leave you there enjoy your story!

It had been years since the passing of Thranduil, (Y/N) had become the queen of Mirkwood and helped her husband Legolas who became king after his father passed on the battlefield. Estel had visited many times after the fact to see his niece Edlen along with the lady Arwen. While her father may not have approved anytime she would arrive in Mirkwood Arwen would speak with (Y/N) about how much she felt for Estel. (Y/N) would make faces at hearing such things about her brother but would give a shoulder and a nod of understanding where it was needed. Now as queen it was her job to be there for her people when Legolas could not do so. Edlen was being trained as a skilled warrior, this was because as she was not technically your child of blood she would not be set to inherit the throne. (Y/N) had watched her grow into a beautiful woman from the small child she had saved. Keeping a documentation of what she saw and had done was no easy task for (Y/N) as if it were to fall into the wrong hands there would be terrible security issues that would follow. 

(Y/N)'s POV

It was the start of the first summer's eve when there was letter sent through messenger. He arrived just during the supper we were eating. Edlen was speaking quickly of what she was being taught by the guard and Legolas was going over some paper on the food storage. I was just calmly eating while smiling as Edlen spoke to me. The noise of the doors sliding open and clanging against the walls broke the peaceful environment. We all looked up quickly as Edlen stopped speaking. The guard who had guided the messenger bowed and exited closing the doors behind him. The messenger calmly walked with a sense of purpose towards Legolas with the letter in hand. Standing up Legolas intercepted the messenger before he arrived at the table. 

"Lord Legolas this is a letter from Lord Elrond of Rivendell. I have been traveling for four days my lord may I inquire for some place to rest and something to regain my strength?"

The elf spoke quickly and when I first arrived here I may have had a hard time understanding what all he had said but today I caught every word. 

"Thank you and yes of course we will provide you with all you shall need before you set out to return. Menelvagor! Here Menelvagor shall take you to where you shall stay, if you should need for anything let myself or the Lady (Y/N) know and we shall make our best effort at retrieving it for you,"

I watched them exchange words and glanced back at Edlen, she was enraptured with this young elf before her. Smiling I gave a short laugh covering it with my sleeve passing it of as a sneeze. Legolas glanced back at me and gave me a look then he seemed to notice Edlen and shook his head slightly. When the messenger was guided out by the door guard Menelvagor to where he was to be staying Edlen excused herself and proceeded to follow them out. Looking back over to Legolas who had just sat back down and was reading the letter I sighed. 'There goes family supper.' I thought glancing down at my unfinished roast. 

"Lelya," Legolas' word was light and almost a whisper. 

It meant beautiful but my mind loved to hear it fall from his lips. 

"Yes, melethron?" I spoke the last bit in Sindarin as his face had begun to pale considerably. 

"They found it. The Ring, a young hobbit has brought it to Rivendell and they need a representative from everyone to come to see how we are to deal with it."

I froze, 'this was good right? We could finally destroy the cursed thing and destroy Mordor. This place that had brought the darkness and now that the ring was found it would only be a matter of time that the wraiths would be upon them.' I looked at him, he was my everything now even with Edlen nothing would be worth losing him.

"What are you planning to do Legolas?"

"I think the best to go would be myself. I will bring some of the guard with me. I believe I should leave with the messenger tomorrow so that we are there the council is held," Legolas almost looked ashamed to be offering what he was. 

"Yes that does seem the best course of action so I shall stand in your stead," I looked down.

'This will be dangerous and there is no one here to take charge other than myself so I will not be able to go with him. Why does this have to happen now?' My thoughts swam and moved quickly.

"I was thinking I would bring you with me and we could have Nolondil take charge for when we are gone. It is only a council to decide what we are to do with the Ring we should not be gone longer than a few weeks at the most,". 

I could feel my face light up and all I could think was 'Thank Enu that you aren't leaving me here'. 

"What of Edlen?" the question finally raising to the front of my mind.

"She shall stay here and continue to learn and maybe she shall have some lessons with Nolondil and be able to take over his job before he passes," Legolas spoke with an amused tone to his voice and a slight smile as he stared at my face. 

"Alright that should be good. We will leave in the morn' correct?"

Legolas nodded as he began eating the rest of his meal. 

"Then we should try and make the night last," I said a pleasant smile gracing my face.

Legolas laughed and nodded in agreement. It would be a long night. 

Legolas x Reader Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now