Chapter 6

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Will's POV

I smiled happily (a little too happy I might add) thinking of the night we had before, I swear I can't get enough of my cute little death boy.
The way his lips felt on mine, his moans technically everything I peeked at him a little sitting next to me taking small bites of his pancakes.

"So cute" I thought.

Nico almost seemed lost in thought and plus a little nervous considering what percy did too him I couldn't really blame him for feeling that way.


A voice boomed, the voice I knew very well Annabeth Chase.

Nico got up and stood in the middle of the mess hall looking very confused. I watch in horror as she came up to him slapping him hard across the face.

I bolted up with rage trying to pull her off nico as she continued hitting him in the face. I saw that everyone was just staring in disbelief.


Chiron's voice boomed. He trotted over pulling her off him but not before Annabeth's shoe went straight into his left eye.

I picked him up bridal style and went straight to the infirmary. I patched him up and healed his nose.

"Damn bitch broke it" I muttered in anger.

The door swung open and Jason Piper Hazel Frank calypso Leo and Reyna came bursting in with a mixture of worry confusion and anger. They all sat near the bed. Reyna spoke first,

"what in Tartarus happened to him!?" I glared at her and spoke

"it was Annabeth she beat the shit out of nico because I know percy probably told her that nico came onto him".

Jason scoffed, "Seriously after all we're been through that's all she cares about!? What the hell was percy thinking hitting on nico like, he's already with Annabeth!"

The air began to crackle and a little lightning bolt hit the lamp.

"Jason calm down!" Piper said.

He sighed and gripped nico's hand. Nico groaned and fell back into a restless sleep.

"Everyone we have to protect Nico even if it means we get the shit beat outta of us by percy and Annabeth"

I couldn't but feel a smile forming on my face and they all smiled back. Hazel giggled

"we should make t-Shirts and wear shades." Reyna shouted,


I laughed. Reyna is definitely cool. They all walked out chatting about the t-shirts (except for Jason Grace).

"Oh gods" I thought "so awkward".

Jason sighed breaking the silence

"Nico doesn't deserve to suffer anymore than he already has".

I nodded agreeing with that.

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