Winter Chaos | Story Eleven : Part 2

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Love: A Christmas Gift - Part Two

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Love: A Christmas Gift - Part Two

Shivaay went inside Anika's house. It was completely different from any other houses on Christmas. No lights, presents, Christmas tree. The house didn't smell of warm, delicious, freshly homemade cookies. It was just a typical duplex house on a normal day. She asked him to make himself comfortable. He took his seat on one of the comfortable sofas. The fire made the room warmer and also they both had their sweaters. He noticed her looking dull, like she had cried. Eyes red, nose red, tear stained face. She went to the kitchen and brought back two big, whole mugs of hot chocolate. He was in real need of this. The situation was becoming awkward. They both sipped the hot chocolate but no words were shared.

"So, I suppose you don't like Christmas." He finally managed to form some words

She looked at him and smiled sadly. 
"Not anymore" - was her terse reply

She wasn't comfortable having a man in her house after so long and when the man is her boss, things were far worst. Ok. She would agree he looked quite good but it wasn't the time to think of his hotness.

She was still taking sips while he was done. He had to stay there the night and decided to finally ask the question, for whose answer he was very curious.

He called out her name

"Yes, sir?"
She e answered, politely

"Call me Shivaay. We are not in office"
Annoyed, with the 'sir' thingy. Also he would love it, if she'll moan it instead

"Ok.. Shiv..aay"
She managed to take his name

"Do you mind if I ask you something?... Umm something personal?"
He couldn't refrain himself any longer

Pausing, she answered
"Yes, sure"

"Umm... Where is your son?... I mean to say the boy whose picture was in your locket. He is your son, right?"
He blurted out

Hearing his question, a few tear drops escaped her eyes

"Yes. He is my son. I mean was..." she sighed
"He passed away a year ago." She informed and a few droplets of tears escaped her eyes

He wanted to die now. He had thought him to be her son but he silently hoped his thoughts to turn out wrong

"He had cancer. "
She was now sobbing. It wasn't easy to talk about her dead son, was it? She had lost her father at the hands of this deadly disease.  Seeing her tears Shivaay couldn't resist himself from going to her. He sat beside her and quite hesitantly held her shoulders. Not like he didn't want to go near his, Ms. Sexy na, but he was afraid of what she might think. She smelled like, kinda alcohol?

"I'm sorry, Anika. I..."
He apologized but faced shortage of words

"It's ok. "
She excused

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