Chapter 32-memory found

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"Hey little one, it's gonna be alright," she cooed. But who? You looked up to see a brunette woman holding you on her arms. A golden woman and silver man behind them as a grey man surrounded by black menacing sand attacked them.

They grew out of sight and you looked up to the woman with (M/E/C)(mums eye colour) eyes. You grabbed some strands of hair with tiny hands and she smiled. A man behind her kissed her on the cheek as they entered a house, what you would know to be your home.


"Mama? What's that" you asked, it was later in life, you were 15 months old and tottering around on unsteady legs. You pointed to a swaddle of yellow cloth, only to see a tuft if auburn hair and big brown eyes.

"That's your little brother, sweetheart, his name's Samuel. You're a big sister," she gushed to you. She crouched down to your height where you stood in a yellow dress and light blue tights. It was February and snow was falling outside.

"Hi Sam-wel, nice to meet you," you said as you stroked his chubby cheek, he looked at you with big brown eyes.

"I love you, little brother,"


"Sam! Give me my dinosaur back!" You shouted at your 4 year old brother, you had turned 6 recently, and this was the short period of time where you seemed two years older than him.

You had been gifted a toy dinosaur for your birthday which you cherished, it was from your favourite film at the moment: Jurassic Park.

"No! My dinosaur!" He shouted back and you poured before tackling him onto the sofa and taking back your dinosaur.

"Ow!" He muttered, holding his finger.

"Sorry, Sammy, for Christmas you can get a dinosaur like mine. But..." you looked at your dinosaur and then back to your upset little brother.

" is my dinosaur, we can share," he smiled before the scene shifted.


"Hey uncle Henry," you waved to your uncle who sat conversing with your brother.

"Hey kiddo, how are you, anything happen to you?" Henry asked and you looked at his weirdly. Why would something happen to you? Meh, whatever.

"I'm good, how are you Sam?" You ask, and your brother, who was 12, you 13, almost 14.

"Fine," he said and he walked away without another word.

"Sam!" You called after him and you followed him to his room.

"Go away!" He shouted and you huffed.

"Dude! What the hell! What's happened! Talk to me!" You day and the door swung open. He was almost as tall as you now and you frowned at the upset look on his face.

"What happened?" You asked and he scowled.

"You happened! You are an insufferable suck up and the favourite! In everything! No one knows how spiteful you are and I hate you!" He shouted at you, you took a step back and felt tears pricking at your eyes.

"Well go fuck your self Sam! Who fed you this bullshit anyway? Was it Henry? I'm gonna cut his Di-" you began but Sam interrupted you.

"Yeah, he told me his opinions on you, which just reaffirmed mine, and you obviously don't want me here, and I don't want you here, and you, like a parasite, won't leave! So I'm going to get some fresh air with Henry!" He growled at you, pushing past you and storming down the stairs where a malevolent grin sat upon Uncle Henry's face. They left the house, you soon chasing behind them to experience a pivotal moment in your life.

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