Chapter 12: Caffeine and Love

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   As giddy as ever, Thomas threw on a fancy flannel. It was finally the day! The day that he and Alex would be going on their first proper date! Granted, it was at a coffee shop, but a date nonetheless!

   Alex was equally excited. He was locked in his room, trying to decide what to wear. He finally decided on a dress shirt.

   Perfect. Not too fancy, but not too casual either.

   The two men both came out of their rooms at the same time, smiles crossing their faces as they saw the other.

   "You look stunning, darlin'~" Thomas flirted, reaching a hand out to Alex.

   Alex couldn't help the blush that spread across his face at Thomas' words. He took his hand, smiling sweetly. "You look pretty nice, too..," Alex said.

   Thomas smiled and pulled Alex out of their dorm, the feeling of Alex's hand intertwined with his own exhilerating. He finally had Alex to call his baby, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

   Alex was silently admiring the feeling of holding Thomas' hand as well. A small smile spread across his face as they walked.

   Thomas noticed the cute little grin on his lover's face and chuckled. "What're you smiling at?"

   Alex sighed happily. "It's just...I'm happy that we finally get to be together. That nothing can get in the way of us, you know?"

   "I feel the exact same way," Thomas stated, squeezing Alex's hand lovingly.

   Alex returned the squeeze, a strange feeling filling him up.

   Wait. Was that...


   Alex hadn't felt it in so long, he couldn't be sure. But whatever the feeling was, it felt great. Like a thousand little fireworks were going off in Alex's heart. Like nothing could ever disturb him again.

   By that time, the two lovers were out of their dorm building and in the great outdoors.

   The gentle wind blew through the two men's hair, causing Thomas' perfect afro that he worked so hard on to get a bit tangled. But that was okay. As long as Alex was by Thomas' side, nothing could go wrong.



   The silence was oddly comforting to Alex and Thomas, but Thomas broke it.

   "Hey, Alex?"


   Thomas hesitated a little before answering. What he was about to say might've seemed a to Alex. He might not have been ready to hear that after what Thomas did.

   But Thomas decided to follow through anyways. Fuck waiting. He needed to say this now.

   "I love you," he said, looking over at Alex.

   Alex felt as if his heart stopped. He was overjoyed that Thomas had said he loved him, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to say it back. They had only been dating for a week since the incident with James, and Alex wasn't ready to say it again.

   But, just like Thomas, Alex's love for Thomas took over.

   "I love you too," Alex said, staring into Thomas' brown eyes, which were full of passion and love.

   Thomas fought the urge to fall over in surprise. He couldn't belive that Alex had said it back!

   "Are you sure?" Thomas asked, afraid that Alex meant to say something else or something.

♡In Your Dreams♡ (Jamilton)Where stories live. Discover now