Just One Night

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It's just like any other night. I'm at the bar scoping out the scene, a empty glass in my hand as I look around at all the different men and women. Then one catches my eye; a young girl with bleached hair who's obviously too young to be here at the end of the bar. Her eyes scan the crowd before they land on me. One short smile from her and I wave her over. I watch her bite her lip as she shakes her head mouthing, "no."
I chuckle lightly while waving over the bartender, "yes ma'am?" He asks.
"Get what ever the blonde haired lady over there wants and some whiskey for me."
"Ok," he pours me my drink before walking over over to her. They converse for a few moments before he gets her a drink. I drink my whiskey quickly letting the sweet burning sensation slip down my throat as I watch her sip on hers. She keeps her eyes on me. Licking my lips I lift my glass slowly wiggling my eyebrows as she laughs. That's when she makes her way over to me. My heartbeat quickens as I watch her grow closer, her eyes light up in the dim lighting. I drink the rest of my drink as she stops a foot short of me.
"Hello," she smiles looking down.
"Hello, do you want to dance?"
"I really shouldn't."
"I dunno," she shrugs looking back up with her narrow eyes.
I give her a half smile, "what's your name?"
"No," her laugh is cut short by someone shoving past her. She tumbles forward leaving me to catch her. I help her back up onto her feet as she breathes out a, "thank you."
"You're welcome, well pretty girl what should we do?"
"I don't know, what makes you think I want to do anything with you."
"The twinkle in your eye," I wink.
Her already golden skin turns a bit more red at her cheeks, "ha as if."
"Come on, what are you scared of?"
"Well you could be a murderer, or a psychopath."
I laugh loudly before I lean in close to her ear, "you've got to be scared of something."
"I'm scared of falling for another straight girl," she murmurs.
"What makes you think that I'm straight?"
"I don't know-" she pauses pulling back, "-how did you know I wasn't straight?"
"There's no real way to tell it's trial and error," I keep close as I talk to her, "but I guess I got lucky."
She smiles slowly, "I'm going to warn you..."
"You can call me Jen."
"Ok Jen I'm going to warn you that it takes one night to fall in love with me."
"Wanna bet?" I ask smirking.
"Sure, I bet you ten dollars that you'll be in love with me by sunrise."
"Lets make things interesting, how about the loser gives the winner her number."
"Sure," she holds out her hand, "deal."
"It's a bet," I give her hand a firm shake before I place my empty glass on the bar. I keep a smile on my face as I point to a empty pool table, "are you any good?"
"Hah let's test this," I grab her hand and I lead her to the pool table where we grab a couple of pool sticks.
We play pool for awhile with her winning a hand full of times. The whole time I'm flirting away as she sways her hips to the beat of the music. The next round I win. Laughing away I do a little victory dance, "shut up I totally let you win."
"Pshhh yeah right."
"Let's do something else."
"I'm going to warn you I rock at darts."
"Ok let do this," she walks into the crowd with me close behind her.
As we play darts we talk, "if I make this you have to at least give me your first name."
"Mkay," I toss the dart and in those few moments I feel time slow. Then it misses, "oh well."
I smirk, "I'm going to get your name from you one way or another."
"You can try."
"I'll do more then try pretty lady, it's getting hot in here do you want to go outside?"
"And risk getting murdered?"
"We've been talking for the last, let's see... it's one a.m. the last four hours."
"Hmm you did narrow down the risks, but I don't know."
"Where's your sense of adventure?"
She bites her lower lip as she grabs a hold of my hand. Quickly she pulls me out the front door, "we have five hours until sunrise."
"That gives me five hours to get your name."
"And me five hours to make you fall for me."
"Your charm has already started its magic," suddenly without warning her lips crash into mine leaving me frozen in place before she pulls back laughing, "I wasn't expecting that..."
"I know! It was the perfect plan." I caress her cheek before pulling her close and kissing her again this time properly. Our mouths move in sync before we pull back panting, "woah."
"Oh my God Olivia?"
"Shit..." the girl murmurs grabbing my hand before running down the empty street. The woman that called out her name yells after us.
"Olivia?" I ask when we finally stop in a darkened alley.
"Well there goes the surprise of my name."
"Who was that?"
"My big sister, oh God."
"Hey it's ok Olivia," I squeeze her hand lightly.
"This was a mistake... I'm sorry," she lets go of my hand and starts to walk away as the sound of her sister's yelling grows closer.
"Wait! Will I see you again? Can I get your number? Can I give you my number?"
"It's not that big of a town Jen," she turns around, "besides my sister will be here before I can get your number."
"Can I ask for one last kiss?" Olivia quickly walks back to me, We kiss just as her sister comes and takes her away from me.
It's not that big of a town.
She's right I'm bound to see her again someday, maybe. With the clicking of her heels I know I'll always remember her name, Olivia.

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