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Credits to one of my best friends, Kimberley for writing the first paragraph of this chapter for me while I had my mental breakdown over writer's block last night.

Xylie's P.O.V

The golden rays blinded my eyes, what the fuck. Who left the blinds open? Oh right, that was me. Whatever it's way too early to be thinking about this, I just want five more minutes before everyone wakes up. I really need to close those things they bring too much light into the place. The bright rays danced on the wall and all over my face, I can still feel some of the smudged makeup on my face from the other night. The bright sun was not helping in my situation of tiredness, it woke me up too fast when all I wanted to do was roll over and go back to sleeping. Why does the day have to turn out so badly already?

Emma shifted a little next to me as she began to wake up. I twirled her hair around my finger. 

"Hey." She looked up into my eyes.

"Hey." I replied, kissing her forehead.

"Uh did we miss something?" Emma and I flinch and look up to find Larray and Issa sitting on the other couch, arms crossed.

"I-uh-" Emma started until being cut off.

"Are y'all dating now?" Issa asked.

"No!" I yelled as fast as possible, instantly feeling bad because I'd made it sound like I had no interest in her.

Emma looked at me in disappointment and got up and went to her room. I didn't want to discuss this with Larray and Issa here so I let her stay in her room and made us all some breakfast.

Once Larray and Issa had left I took Emma's breakfast to her. I got to her room and knocked on the door.


No answer, I knocked again.


No answer again. I opened the door to find her laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Emma, look I'm sorry about what it sounded like I meant. Look I really like you and I'm sorry if what happened makes you feel and think otherwise." She sat up to look at me but didn't say anything. "I made you breakfast." I put her bowl down on the bedside table and sat down next to her on the bed.

I looked at her and she shook her head and look back at me, then down at my lips until her eyes met mine again. I didn't realise how close we were but our foreheads were touching and then she smashed her lips onto mine. She climbed on top of me not breaking the kiss and took off my shirt but I stopped her when she went to take off my pants and I realised what was about to happen.

"E-Emma- no- sto-stop." I said, breaking the kisses. She pulled away. "I-I can't."

"I'm sorry." Was all she said.

"I haven't done anything since Ethan, since I was sixteen. I don't know if I'm ready to be sexually active yet or if sex is something I'm even into anymore. I'm sorry."

"No, no it's okay. I shouldn't have been so forcing, I didn't too." I nodded.

"I uh, I just wanna hold you." I said, she kissed my cheek and cuddled me as I pulled her to my chest.

I took a look at the vintage alarm clock he had and it was only 9AM so we just cuddled until we drifted off to sleep. I eventually woke up around 11AM and took a shower and got dressed.

I put on a bralette and some sweatpants and put my hair in a messy bun, I picked up my phone and started making a good morning Snapchat when I got interrupted by someone knocking on the door. I kept recording my Snapchat though.

"Let's see who's here." I said, turning my camera round to face the door as I opened it.

I saw Xavier and Elijah laughing first.

"My babies!" I leaned down to hug them and then as I got back up Ethan greeted me, I greeted him back and stopped recording. 

We watched the video over and Ethan was in it. I decided to post it anyway, knowing that both mine and his fans would have questions even though some of them may have known about him being the twins' dad from the video we made back when we were like fifteen.

"Hey." Ethan smiled.

"Hey." I smiled back. "Where's Grayson?" I asked, noticing he wasn't here.

"He's off seeing his girlfriend." I didn't know he had a girlfriend but I nodded anyway so that I didn't make things anymore awkward than they already were.

"Boys, go to Emma's room she'll be in there." I told the kids and they ran off into her room.

"You look really pretty." Ethan said as his cheeks reddened.

"Thanks, you look really pretty too." I said which made us both laugh.

"Hey Xy, the twins are back at the candy again." Emma came chuckling, dressed from down the hall.

"Oh shit that reminds me, I need to tell you something." I turned to Ethan, laughing. "So a few days ago I saw the twins trying to steal candy from the candy jar I keep. But it wasn't just that, so one of them was up on the counter spooning out the candy from the jar and the other was catching it in their shirt and running into their room with it. It reminded me of a story you told me a few months after we met."

"Oh my God!" Ethan laughed his ass off.

"Hey I'm going to make some of my famous almond milk iced lattes, you guys want one- or anything else?" Emma asked.

"Yeah actually can I have one of your lattes?" She nodded. "You want anything, E?" He sat there, staring at me with a facial expression before nodding his head slowly.

"I'll have the same as Xylie, thanks." He looked at Emma and smiled, she smiled back before walking off into the kitchen.

"E?" He questioned. I looked at him confused until I realised what he meant. I haven't called him E since before I left New Jersey, before everything happened, before my heart was broken in the worst possible way.

"O-oh yeah, sorry about that." I half-smiled as I felt heat in my cheeks.

Our eyes met but he broke it by looking at my lips and then looked back into my eyes. He mumbled something before leaning in to fill the gap between us.

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