Chapter 1

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This is what I think will happen in book 8 of keeper of the lost cities. *DISCLAIMER* all characters belong to the wonderful Shannon Messenger. FLASHBACK SPOILERS, read at your own risk.

Chapter 1- 1193 words 

Sophie stared down at her ruffled teal dress, repeating the five words that had been stuck in her mind for the past few hours. 

Sophie Elizabeth Foster is unmatchable. 

Grady had been outraged when he heard the news. Edaline had simply sat there in shock not registering the words that had flowed through her ears. 

She stared down once more at the dress, crumpling the fabric in her hands. Tears built up in her eyes, tears she refused to let out. But a few rebellious ones still slid down her cheek, leaving a light trail in their wake. It only made it harder for her that the fabric was teal, her favorite color, Fitz's eyes.  

She didn't understand why it had to be this way. Why couldn't one thing go right?  She'd hailed Forkle moments earlier expecting answers and with a sigh he had promised to come soon. But now she was rethinking her decision, did she really want answers? 

She wished she could reach out to Fitz. But there was so many thoughts racing through her mind. She was afraid she wouldn't be able to block him out from her mental chaos, and he would find out everything. She couldn't have that. What if he didn't want to be together anymore? The thought broke her heart in to pieces and she could feel her eyes moisten once again. 

As if to add to her ongoing misery, a loud chime sounded through out the house, reminding her she had other matters to attend to. Or in other words, to ask for more answers and never get any. She was so tired of feeling like a puppet. This was her life after all, it was never her choice if she could or couldn't be experimented on. For once, she wished she could just be normal. Just a normal teenager with normal teenage problems. But if she was anywhere near normal she wouldn't be sitting on her bed, in a teal gown, with tears streaming down her face. She was what she was and she couldn't change that. 

"Sophie!" Grady called from downstairs, his voice drifting up the stairs and in to her room. She wished she could stay there a second more and wallow in her misery. But wallowing wouldn't get her answers. And right now that was what she needed, answers. 

So she pushed herself off the bed, the now rumpled gown trailing behind her. She looked in the mirror and even now Vertina stayed silent., taking in her ragged appearance. The tear stained cheeks, messed up hair, blood shot eyes. She wiped her eyes once before heading down the stairs. Glad to have discarded the heels a few minutes prior, she surly would have tripped ten times by now. 

Descending the final stairs she looked around. Edaline was looking at her with a frown, obviously sad to see her so pain stricken. Grady looked like he wanted to murder someone. And Forkle was sitting there wriggling his hands in what looked like nervousness. She pulled out a few eyelashes, whatever he was going to tell her was obviously bad. he motioned for her to sit and she walked slowly over, before plopping down in the overstuffed armchair. 

"I didn't know you were registering for a match." 

Her face flamed up as she replied "Well I don't really go around telling the world every detail that goes on in my life."

He let out a sigh, "I suppose not." 

After a beat of silence she asked the question she desperately needed the answer to, "Who are my parents?"

"That I can not tell you."

"Why not? They're my parents, and obviously they have something to do with this, or you do, or something and-" 

"Miss Foster I can assure you we have everything under control."

"You obviously don't or you wouldn't be here right now." 

He let out another sigh, "maybe we should call your friends."

"No they aren't apart of this. I've already caused them to much trouble I don't want to drag them in to anything else." She replied, her voice cracking a bit at the end as she remembered what Tam had done. He left to the Neverseen and Lady Gisela had made it very clear that the only reason he did that was because she dragged him in to her life. And he wouldn't be leaving the Neverseen anytime soon. It felt like someone was always getting hurt because of her. 

Though that wasn't the only reason she didn't want to tell them. Then she would have to tell Fitz and she wasn't sure if she could handle the look in his eyes when she would tell him. If he was true to everything he had said before he would still want to be with her. But she couldn't bring herself to know that the only reason they would be deemed a bad match was because of her. They would be scorned their whole lives and their children would to, all because a piece of paper said they wouldn't match. She couldn't ruin his future like that. A small part of her also wondered if maybe he had been bluffing after everything that had happened. That he would soon leave her for some perfect blue eyed elf who was actually good at alchemy and leave her behind. That he wouldn't care for her anymore. She shook the thought away, but it still stayed a distant voice far away. 

She knew no matter what she would still have to face him in the end and tell him everything. She couldn't keep this from her cognate and Flori had yet to heal his echos. But she could stall a little longer, get some time to recompose herself. 

"Miss Foster I really think that they will be able to help you process this information."

"I've been fine processing it on my own." That was an obvious lie and you'd have to be blind not to see the hurt in her eyes when she had been told she was unmatchable. It had never happened before ever in elvin history. Just another way she was different from everyone else. 

"I dont need them right now what I need is answers."

"And I will give you those one day."

"I don't want them one day, I want them now." 

Mr. Forkle rubbed his temples, "Miss Foster please listen, I can't tell you who your parents are. That is classified information."

She glanced over at Grady and Edaline and noticed they were very uncomfortable. Who wouldn't be, they were talking about their daughters real parents. 

"Then what can you tell me?"

Before he could say anything the doorbell chimed again. Edaline walked up and opened the door open and in came Biana, Dex, Linh, Keefe, but the last one she dreaded. He ran his hand through his hair as his shimmering teal eyes locked with her bloodshot brown ones. Fitz. 

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