Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Word Count: 1405

"So why did the mysterious miss F beg me to come over?"
Keefe sat on the carpet playing with the flowers that had been sewn in to it. She had wanted to get better at breath and heat regulation. She didn't want the Mount Everest fight to happen all over again. It would have been so much easier if she had been warm. A small shiver raked her body as she remembered how Sandor had almost died that day. How he had fell and his sticky blood had coated the mountain floor, dying the frozen snow a crimson red. She looked at Keefe who still had a small smile on his face as he played with the carpet, seemingly so interested in it.
"ooh now Fosters shivering I didn't think it was cold in here. I mean I am here after all so you should be fainting of heat by now."
She rolled her eyes at the horribly crafted joke but still let a small laugh escape her mouth.
Ro sat in the left of the room trying to stay as far away from Bo as possible.
"Did you ever finish the Ballad of Bo and Ro?" She asked, after all the teasing Ro had done to her she thought it was finally time to get a little revenge. She instantly regretted it when she saw a look of mischief directed towards her promising many miseries. Though all those feelings were all swept aside when she heard a loud grunt from outside of her room where Bo was and a loud laugh crashed out of Keefes lips. She felt a smile stretch her lips, it had been a while since a real laugh had sounded from Keefe.
"no I'm only on the second stanza."
"And that's all there should be" Ro said, as she shot daggers at Keefe who replied with an innocent smile. And when she thought Keefe wouldn't have a snarky comment for once, he did.
"Aww are you saying you liked the first stanza."
Ro let out a low warning growl.
"Well Foster likes it," he said shooting her a flirty smirk. Her face blazed a deep crimson red with embarrassment.
A loud snort sounded from her nose, "she's never even read it."
"Would you like me to recite it right now," he asked nodding his head towards the door where Bo was standing.
She answered with a glare and a hand that gleamed with a small dagger in her hand. He sucked in a deep breath "Oh how the-"
"OK, OK, stop."
"Why should I?" She was starting to wonder if the smirk on his face was permanent.
"Because if not then i'll tell her everything." His smirk faded away, thankfully not permanent.
"Who?" Sophie questioned, suddenly interested in the argument.
"Nothing." Is there hadn't been such hurt in his eyes when he looked at her she might have questioned him further. But just his expression told her more than his words could in that moment. It obviously had something to do with a girl and was a touchy subject for him. What had happened? She resisted the urge to go in to his mind. She had learned the hard way that the price for going in to someone's mind without their permission was high and she never wanted to pay it again.
She brushed off the odd look that was exchanged between Ro and Keefe and made a feeble attempt to change the subject.
"Anyways, could you help me with heat regulation."


Keefe had left a few minutes ago and she was now finishing up her homework when a loud ring echoed around her room, causing Iggy to let out a small squeak.
She picked up her imparter and looked at who had hailed her. Fitz. A small smile crept up her face.
She took a deep breath and tried to not look like a psycho. She smoothed over her hair before hitting the answer button with a sweet smile.
When his face appeared she felt her smile grow wider. He looked a little nervous and she watched as he ran his hand that wasn't holding the imparter through his hair.
"Yea?" she asked, wondering why he was hailing her so suddenly.
His teal eyes flashed with uncertainty as he asked, "uh, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out tonight?"
She wasn't sure if her smile could grow any wider as she answered, "yea."
"Of course."
"Ok well, I'll pick you up at" he looked at the time "eight?"
"Sure, I'll see you later."
It only occurred to her when she hung up that she had forgotten to ask where they were going. She looked over at the clock and realized it was already half past six. She scrambled to get her homework done before going in to her closet and throwing things over her head, trying to find the perfect outfit. One bad thing about forgetting to ask where they were going was she had no idea what to wear.
She heard a light knock on her door when she had downed her items down to about four dresses. One was a shimmery without any straps and gold glitter that faded off to a skirt that was just above her knees. Another was a with long lacy see through sleeves that went to her elbows. It had a bow around her waist and went down to her knees. She wasn't so sure about it but was always told she looked good in red. There was another that showed her shoulders with a strap that went around her neck. She liked it the most so far because it was simple, but at the same time she wanted to look good for Fitz. The last one was a that Biana would have been proud of. It had a top with small flowers ingrained in to it and a skirt that had all different colors of flowers on it. It reminded her of her carpet for some reason.
She looked over at the door and Edaline stood there, her hair pulled back in a high ponytail with a few feathers in it. If she hadn't been so stressed at the moment she might have laughed.
"What are you doing?"
She felt a light blush coat her cheeks as she replied, "nothing."
"That doesn't look like nothing," she said looking at the dresses strewn across the floor.
"ugh fine, Fitz asked me out and I have no idea what to wear. Just don't tell Grady."
She saw a mushy smile that only a parent could muster spread across her face as she let out a giggle. She blushed, "can you just help me."
Edaline nodded before telling her to go and try on each of the dresses she had picked out. In the end they decided to go with the gold dress and she put on a little of the gold flecked eyeline that she had as Edaline braided her hair. When she looked in the mirror she felt a smirk rise on her face as even Vertina was left speechless.
She kissed her mother on the cheek as she heard the doorbell ring. But before she could even get down the first stair Edaline gripped her wrist lightly.
"You look beautiful."
"Thank you," she gushed.
"Just be careful when it come to your heart, Sophie. Love is the one thing that once you give away you can't get back."
She already knew that. She had loved her human family and that love still stayed with them. She trusted Fitz, but it was nice to have a reminder. She hugged her mother before descending down the stairs. Only to see a glaring Grady (ha see what I did there) giving Fitz such a nasty look she was surprised he hadn't run away by now. But when Grady looked at her his expression melted away. He came up to her before kissing her head, "have a good time kiddo." She nodded and he gave Fitz a last warning glance as she hugged him and she went over to Fitz. He was wearing a tight fitting grey shirt with a matching cape and pants. Though he always looked good he looked even better tonight.
He held out a hand to her and she took it.
"So where are we going."
"That's a surprise," he said with a smirk she had thought only Keefe could have.
He put an arm around her waist as they went in to the light.

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