Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 

word count: 1465

Keefe sat down next to her with a plop. She kept her eyes trailed on Fitz, trying to find out what he already knew and what he had yet to find out. She felt an arm being wrapped around her shoulders and could practically feel Grady's glare all the way across the room.  

Even though she could see Fitzs eyes trailed on her, she couldn't bring herself to take his arm off her shoulders. And after a few moments of silence and her not moving Keefes arm Fitz took the hint. She couldn't bear to look at him, afraid to see the betrayal in his eyes. She was glad Ro wasn't here, she would have many jokes to make. And right now she wasn't sure she could take the jokes. She couldn't even hold Fitzs stare. 

"So what trouble has the mysterious miss F caused yet again?" 

She was suddenly very tempted to pull out an eyelash. She spared a quick glance over to Mr. Forkle and he gave a hand movement to tell them. She looked at Grady and Edaline and they gave her encouraging smiles. 

"I went to the matchmakers office earlier."

Biana let out a high pitced squeal, "you did? We could fill out our packets together and then get the scrolls an- wait why do you look so sad then." 

The tears she had been trying so hard to hold back fell. 

"Hey Foster what's wrong its just the matchmakers."

"No im- they said-"

She took a deep breath trying to concentrate on what she needed to say but all that came out was a hiccup. The worry on her friends faces grew and Keefe gave her a reassuring squeeze. She lifted her head up and looked straight in to Fitzs eyes. They were filled with worry and she couldn't help but wonder if the worry would change to anger. That was his go to emotion in these kinds of things. She was still afraid he wouldn't be able to handle his emotions. 

"Flori healed my echos," she blurted out. 

Fitzs eyes lit up in hope but it quickly faded away when he realized that had nothing to do with what she was about to say.  

"What were you going to say?" the voice that she had gotten so used to over the years asked. The crisp accent that fit so nicely with his dark brown hair and teal eyes. She didn't want him to get hurt. She didn't want one of the only people she could seek refuge in, turn away. 

"Maybe she could heal you before we do this all." 

"No just say it, we can always do it later. It cant be that bad, unless it's about. . ." 

"It's not." 

She couldn't say how much she would tell him if it was about Alvar. 

"Anyways you were at the matchmakers office,"  Biana's sweet voice fluttered over. 

She stole one last glance at Fitz to make sure he was ok before she said "they said i'm unmatchable." 

Nobody talked, nobody moved. She was sure that if someone so much as breathed to loud the whole room would hear it. 

Linh was the first one to break the silence. "I'm so sorry Sophie," she pulled her in to a hug. And once she pulled away she found herself in another hug except this one was with Keefe. She couldn't help but leen in to it, she felt so hurt, she needed someone to lean on. Right now, she wasn't sure Fitz would even want to be the helping shoulder. 

She forced her chin up as Keefes arms left her body. She was left to hold the stare off of the century by herself. Well not entirely since it was Fitz on the other side. After what felt like hours he blinked and she almost smiled at how childish it was that she wanted to celebrate her victory. 

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