surprise (rami)

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you walked into your home, closing the door behind you rather loudly. it had been a long day at work, but now that the week was over, you finally had time to spend with your boyfriend.

"rami, i'm home!" you shouted, but by the time you finished locking the door, he was already there throwing his arms around you.

"welcome home,  y/n!" he said excitedly, almost vibrating.

you let out a giggle. "someone's excited. what were you up to toda-"

a timer chimed loudly, cutting you off. "that gave me away." rami said, grinning. "go upstairs, it's a surprise!"

"you got it, babes." you replied, smiling at your boyfriend's excitement to surprise you. you scampered upstairs, and when you got to the bedroom you shared with rami you took your shoes and your coat off before flopping onto the bed and sprawling out.

after what seemed to be about 20 minutes, rami called up the stairs, "you can come down now, y/n!"

you shot up and almost sprinted down the stairs, sliding right into rami. "cover your eyes." he said, and you obviously complied.

he grabbed you by the shoulder, leading you forward into the kitchen before pulling you to a halt. "you can open them now." you uncovered your eyes and what you saw in front of you completely melted your heart.

before you was a white cake, with the words "i love you y/n ♡" sprawled across it in red frosting. "rami- aw!" you were grinning so wide it almost hurt. it warmed your heart that he had been so excited just about baking for you. you turned to rami and pulled him down to peck him on the lips. "thank you so much."

"don't mention it." he said before smiling at you then back at the cake. after a few moments, he whispered in your ear, "i love you. so, so much."

"i love you too, malek." you whispered back, pecking him once more.

ickkk kinda bad, but i hope you guys liked it if anyone reads this lol ♡  i've never written an imagine before so this was new lolol

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