cardboard ben (joe)

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you walked into the room that you shared with your fiancé, going in just to grab a glass you had forgot in there. after you had walked into the room, you moved your gaze from the floor - to see a man in front of you that was not joe, which made you yelp and kick it, causing him to fall to the ground, immediately noticing it was a cardboard cutout of your dear friend ben hardy. you mentally facepalmed.

"joseph mazzello!" you shouted, and quickly heard footsteps leading towards the room.

"yes, beautiful bride of mine...?" joe cautiously inquired, looking at the fallen cutout in front of you and gasping. "you hurt ben!"

"i- what?" you asked, staring at joe who had ran over to help "ben" up. "it's cardb-"

"he's not cardboard!" joe defended, hugging the cutout. "he's real!"

"are you alright? what did you take on your trip to japan?" you inquired, a hand on your hip.

"nothing, except my friend ben home with me!"

"joey, how do you get it-"


"-him in your suitcase?" you sighed.

"it's amazing how flexible this boy is." joe said, pointing to ben while trying to keep a straight face.

"uh-huh. well, are we just gonna leave him in the bedroom? i nearly had a heart attack when i saw him."

"well, where else would we keep him?" joe asked, leaning his head on ben's shoulder.

"anywhere?" you suggested sarcastically, now both of your hands on your hips.

joe sighed. "fine." he jokingly rolled his eyes. "where would you like him?" he picked the cutout up, before placing it down and saying, "woah, bud, you're heavy!"

"you'll offend him, joey." you whispered, pinching your fiancé's arm, playing along.

"well, i didn't mean to." joe insisted, also in a whisper.

"apologize to him."

joe sighed and turned to ben. "i'm sorry, man. hug it out?" he then nodded and wrapped his arms around the cutout.

god, i love that dork. you thought to yourself.

after a moment of silence while joe was hugging ben, you sighed. "do you really want to keep him in here?"

joe's eyes lit up and he quickly nodded. "can we?" he asked excitedly.

you jokingly sighed. "alright, i guess..."

"yay!" joe cheered, wrapping his arms around your neck, whispering to you, "i love you."

"i love you, too." you smiled into his shoulder.

when he pulled out of the hug, he pecked you on the lips. "tag, you're it." he said, running out of the room.

"joseph francis mazzello the third, you come back here!" you yelled, running out of the room after him.

oh, the things you would do when you caught him.

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