carnival (gwilym)

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"come on, y/n!" gwilym exclaimed, pulling your arm.

"i'm not going to go on that, gwilym!" you yelled back, pulling your arm back in a poor attempt to avoid the carnival ride your boyfriend was pulling you to.

it was a huge roller coaster with way too many dips and turns for your liking. as much as you didn't want to go on, gwil was being surprisingly persistent.

"come on! it's not gonna be that bad once you get on, i swear!" gwil insisted.

"yes it will be!" you argued.

"if it really is, you can close your eyes and hug me, if it makes you feel any better." he replied, lowering his tone to actually try and reason. he made puppy dog eyes at you. "please?"

you shook your head and sighed. "god damnit, lee. fine, but only once."

he grinned. "that's all i wanted!" he wrapped one of his long arms around your waist and pulled you towards the queue.

as you edged closer to the front of the line, your grip on gwil's arm got tighter and tighter. why did i agree to this? you thought. right, because i love him. usually.

finally, it was your turn to get on, and since you were the first two to get on, gwil ran to the very front car and hopped in. "oh, god." you muttered, climbing in next to him because you were not going on alone, even at the very back. you were about to ask if you two had to sit at the front, but gwil already had the safety bar pulled down so there was no escape now.

you waited a minute while the ride operator got everyone secured, and finally started the ride. it started off slow, as most rides do, and it gradually climbed up, up, up-

and then dropped.

you squealed and buried your head in gwilym's shoulder, while he was thoroughly enjoying the ride. "god damnit, gwilym lee!" you shouted into his chest.

you stayed in that position for the whole three times the ride went around before finally slowing to a stop. you were one of the first people to get off of the ride and away from it. gwil quickly caught up with you, with his long legs and whatnot, and wrapped his arm around your waist once more. "wasn't that fun?" he asked, grinning.

"not at all. but there's no one else i'd rather have an awful time on a ride with than you." you pecked his cheek, before moving on to a much more lowkey ride.

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