Key - Bucky Barnes

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Warning : Fluff (scratch that, its full on smut)

For almost two years, you had lived in your small apartment in Brooklyn. It was a normal apartment building, only for one exception. Two SHIELD agents lived in there. You and James Buchanan Barnes. Good thing about that? You were practically always safe. No need to worry about anyone entering your apartment at night, because everytime there were steps in front of your door, Bucky, who lived just across the hall, would wake up and look through the door hole.

Bad thing about living across the hall from Bucky Barnes? He was a cocky little son of a bitch.

Apparently, he had gotten back to his flirty personality, the way he was back in the forties. The Winter Soldier was completely gone. You hadn't met him as the Winter Soldier, which was probably why he liked to flirt with you the most. You weren't ever afraid of him, because he was always so smiley and bubbly and bright around you. You couldn't even understand how this guy had once been a Russian assassin responsible for dozens of political deaths.

So one night, you were coming home from a long day at work. Your work day usually ends at 8 PM, but seeing as the drive home is almost two hours long, it was almost 10 when you got home.

You were so glad you were finally home, letting out a sigh of relief when you finally reached your door. You went to get your key from your pocket and... it wasn't there. You frowned. You usually always have you key in your back pocket. You went into your purse to see if it was there... it wasn't. It was only then you decided to accept that you had actually forgotten your door keys at work.

You sighed, leaning against your wooden door and sliding to the floor. The last thing you wanted right now was to drive 2h to work and 2h back. You didn't have another four hours to spare.

"Y/N?" A voice asked. You raised your head to see that Bucky Barnes had finally gotten home from work. "Are you okay?" He asked. There was actual worry in his voice. You couldn't help but laugh at the situation, making him worry even more about your mental health.

"I forgot my keys at work," you said, once your laughter calmed down. He raised an eyebrow.

"That's why you're curled up on the floor laughing?" He asked you. You nodded. Bucky smirked at you, extending his hand to help you.

"What are you doing?" You asked, hesitating about taking his hand.

"I'm not gonna let you sleep in the corridor," he told you. "Come on," he said once you still didn't take his hand. You sighed. What other choice did you have? You took his hand and he pulled you up.

You stood awkwardly behind him as he opened his door and walked in. You had been inside his apartment before, but never alone with him. Usually, Bucky would have friends over, and you were always invited along with Natasha and Steve. Yet, you were pretty sure he only invited you because it would look weird if he invited Steve and Nat but not you, the one who lived across the hall.

You took off your shoes and he took your coat and your bag, placing them on the sofa.

"Those don't look very comfortable," he said, mentioning your button up shirt and your skirt. Well, he wasn't wrong. "I'll get you something you can change into," he said, before walking away and turning left at the end of the corridor.

He walked back a few seconds later with sweatpants and a white t shirt. He handed them to you with a smile.

"Thank you, Buck," you thanked him honestly. "Really, thank you for everything." He smirked before showing you to the bathroom. You quickly changed your clothes, feeling pretty tiny inside of his clothes.

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