Chapter 10

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Over the next week, I was obligated to spend a lot more time with Sebastian and Julian. Occasionally, we did things I might have enjoyed if I were with anyone else, but mostly my time with the two of them involved me standing around while they attempted to impress me with their ability to perform some feat, stories of their past exploits (mainly in Julian's case), or descriptions of some possession or quality (that was Sebastian's favored activity).

Surprisingly, Henry hadn't asked me to do so much as take a walk with him. He didn't go so far as to ignore me or avoid me, he just didn't go out of his way to spend time with me. I had to wonder if he cared about marrying me at all. But if he didn't, why come in the first place?

Maybe he just figured I'd be unable to take Julian or Sebastian after a certain point and that I'd choose him by default. If, in fact, that was his strategy, it was smart. He irritated me the least of the three of them. By far.

Jonathan was the bright spot in everything. Whatever responsibilities kept him away at first must have let up because he was able to come to the castle several times over the course of the week. Sometimes we would walk around the grounds, but mostly, we met in our hiding place. Separately, of course, so no one would see us disappearing together. What we were doing wasn't remotely allowed, so I had to be extra careful not to be seen going to my favorite place.

For the first time in my life, I was thankful that Lily and Matthew weren't able to come to the castle for a while. I hadn't mentioned Jonathan to either of them and I wasn't planning to. At least not for a long time. As much as they shared my feelings about the restrictions I was under as well as my obligation to decide between the princes, I knew they wouldn't be so understanding about Jonathan. Matthew was like the typical protective older brother and he would think that Jonathan was taking advantage of me. And as much as Lily loved to push the limits, I knew she wouldn't approve either. I couldn't risk one of them saying something and spoiling this for me.

Poor Chloe was so neglected. She was usually allowed to come along with me most days, but since she apparently didn't like Jonathan and had taken to actually trying to attack his foot whenever he kissed me, I left her in my chambers when I went to meet him.

The only thing that bothered me was that Jonathan never gave me very many details about himself. We talked quite a bit, but I still didn't really know very much about him. I was afraid that the reason he chose to keep the information to himself was because he knew that he wouldn't be able to gain approval for an actual courtship, so I didn't press too hard to learn exactly who he was. I'd still have to make a decision otherwise, and probably between one of the princes, but for now, I was enjoying this forbidden freedom.

Aside from the obvious, it was such a novelty to have one person outside of my family who I felt so comfortable with. But honestly, the rest was amazing. I never dreamed that I'd feel this way with anyone. I always knew I would have to marry. I'd been naive like Gwen at one time, but mostly I'd given up the idea that I might feel anything more than tolerance or a kind of kinship, a long time ago. I never imagined feeling the sort of things necessary to falling in love or welcoming being kissed.

"How long can you stay?" I asked as I traced patterns on the palm of Jonathan's hand. We were currently sitting on the ground of our secret place after having finished a picnic lunch.

"Not too much longer," he said. "I'm afraid I have an appointment soon."

"You could come back when you're finished," I tried, glancing up to his eyes.

He sighed. "By then it'll be dark and this is risky enough as it is. If they caught us alone like this at night, I probably wouldn't live very long afterward."

I frowned. That was probably true.

"I don't want you to go yet." I did my best to look alluring.

He smiled and flipped our hands so that he could bring mine to his lips for a soft kiss. "Unfortunately I don't have a choice today, but I have another idea."

"What?" I asked, excited by the gleam in his eye.

"How daring are you exactly?"

"I'm fairly adventurous," I said, smiling.

"How would you feel about leaving the castle?"

"Leaving?" I asked, leaning back, shocked at the suggestion. Not only was it incredibly not allowed, it was also near impossible.

He nodded and smirked at my reaction. "There's something I want you to see."

"What is it?" I don't know why I bothered asking. He only continued to smirk, willing to give away as much as usual.

I chewed on my lip, thinking. Was it even possible?

"How would I do it, exactly?"

"I know a way," he answered. "If you're willing to jump a bit."

"How do you know?" He hadn't been in the castle that much recently and if he was visiting his aunt, I doubted that he'd been here very much before either.

"I found it the other day," he said. "I was snooping, but I'm sure it'll work. That is, if you're feeling daring enough to try." He gave me a challenging look and I just knew I wouldn't disappoint him.

"And what if someone sees us?" I asked. "If you're risking death by being here with me, what do you think they'd do to you if we were caught leaving together?"

"That's why we won't be leaving together." He shrugged.

"We won't? But you said-"

"As you pointed out, we can't be seen together. I'll tell you what to do and wait for you outside."

I thought for a minute before I smiled. "It's not difficult?"

"Not especially," he said. "You might need to wear something other than one of these though." He fluffed the skirt of my dress.

I laughed. "I think I can manage that."

"Tomorrow?" he asked. "Around three o'clock?"

I nodded. I would be spending time with Sebastian before that.

"Alright." He looked satisfied. "Tomorrow it is then." He leaned in and kissed me before he stood up. "Wait here for ten minutes and then meet me outside of the ballroom."

Feeling very excited about this plan, I nodded again. Not only would I get time alone with Jonathan, but I was going to be leaving the castle by myself for the very first time in my life. 

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