Chapter 16

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The following days were hard. I hadn't expected everyone to forget about my actions over night, but I thought they'd be a little more understanding and at least try to be discrete. Any time I went anywhere, people would stare at me, lower their voices, or exhibit other obvious signs that they were talking about me and my stupidity. Most of the time, I just stayed in my rooms so I wouldn't have to deal with it.

And, of course, any time I did go anywhere now, I was accompanied by no less than two guards. Mother said it was really more for my father's peace of mind, but to me it was a punishment. Considering the fact that there were guards most places around the castle and that I didn't plan to do anything that stupid ever again, it was pretty unnecessary too. But still, for the time being they weren't allowed to leave me alone anywhere but in my rooms or if I was with my parents and they dismissed them.

It was suffocating to think about how much I'd been watched my whole life, but at least I never noticed those particular guards. Now I felt like I was being openly babysat.

Staying in my rooms all the time was starting to feel like prison, however, so I decided to go to the stables since that had always been one of my favorite places. I would still have to endure my babysitters, but at least there would be the horses too, and they had always been soothing to be near.

When I made the decision to go, I planned on encountering more stares and whispers, but I honestly never realized just how long of a walk it was from my room to the stables. It seemed like miles with all the people along the way, watching and whispering. Growing up as I had, I was fairly good at hiding my emotions in public, and I was able to do that now, but the whole thing made me mad. None of them had to live the way I did and so none of them could understand why I'd done what I had. People undoubtedly thought that the privileges of being royal were worth the major intrusions, but they were wrong. I'd happily trade royalty to be a normal person who didn't have to worry about men plotting to use them for revenge.

By the time I reached my destination, I felt like hitting something.

"I want to be alone," I told the guards, stopping before I went through the door to see the horses.

They glanced uncomfortably at each other before looking at me, ready to refuse. I might be the princess, but they would never disregard Papa's order because of what I said.

I huffed, frustrated. "Look, why doesn't one of you stay here and the other stand at the other entrance. There's no other ways in or out, so I'll be fine. I just want to breathe for a few minutes."

They exchanged another look and then focused on me again.

"Yes, My Lady," the one said with a bow before he went to stand guard at the other entrance as suggested.

Even though it was a victory, it was a small one and I didn't feel very good for having won it. It was utterly pathetic that I couldn't go anywhere even relatively alone any more.

Taking the slight reprieve, I went into the stables and over to my horse, Annabelle.

"Hey, girl," I said, feeding her a handful of food.

Annabelle happily gobbled up the food before she nuzzled my hand in greeting. I smiled, wishing I could jump on her back and ride away from the guards. But of course I was already in trouble. A stunt like that might ensure that I'd be confined to my rooms for the next month or more. Still, it was tempting to think about. I glanced at the entrance and frowned when I saw the guard watching me. I looked at the other entrance and, sure enough, that guard was watching too.

Turning back to Annabelle, I scowled. I was essentially trapped in here. They couldn't even pretend to give me some privacy?

Desperate to be out of their line of sight, I opened the pen and slipped in with Annabelle. I brushed off the dirt and loose hay from the bale against the wall and sat as tears of frustration stung my eyes.

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