Chapter 14

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When we returned to the castle, Papa was waiting just inside the gate, looking half-crazed. I was so happy to see him, I momentarily forgot that I was in the biggest trouble of my life, and ran to him. He caught me in his arms and hugged me tightly.

"You and your mother are going to be the death of me," he said before pulling away to look at me. "Are you alright?"

I nodded as tears fell down my face. "I'm so sorry."

Looking relieved, he hugged me again and I thought he might squeeze the life out of me.

"We are going to have a long talk later," he said, making me cringe. "For now..."

When he didn't finish after a moment, I pulled away to look at him. He wasn't focused on me any longer. He was directing a menacing glare behind me. When I turned, I noticed that the guards had brought Jonathan and the other man through the gate.

Papa released me and walked over to them. I hadn't noticed her join us, but in the next second, Mother pulled me into her arms.

"You were supposed to bring them alive," Papa said to the guards, referring to Jonathan's friend who didn't seem likely to live much longer.

"It's not their fault," I said quickly. "I did it."

Papa looked back at me, surprised. Maybe even a little impressed.

He turned back to the others and moved to stand in front of Jonathan.

"Who are you?" he demanded.

Jonathan raised his chin defiantly, apparently having no intention of answering.

Papa took the sword from the guard nearest him and pressed it against Jonathan's throat.

"Speak," he ordered.

Jonathan glared momentarily and I guessed that Papa must have pressed the sword in a little harder.

"Houghton," he spat. The name didn't mean anything to me, but it must have to Mother because she gripped me a little tighter upon hearing it.

Papa lowered the sword and watched him for a minute. "Of course you are," he said, stepping away from Jonathan and handing the guard his sword. "Well, you've just bought yourself a death sentence. I hope it was worth it," he said sarcastically.

I watched, wide-eyed. It shouldn't be surprising, but I'd never heard my father say anything like that before. And he didn't even know the details yet. If he did, I wondered if he'd even let him live another minute.

"Your family has already ruined my life," Jonathan said bitterly. "I don't know that it makes any difference anyway."

"Your family has ruined themselves. You've merely added to it and destroyed yourself," Papa said carelessly before addressing the three guards who held onto the two men. "Take them to the dungeon," he ordered, and they quickly obeyed. "Conference room, ten minutes," he told the remaining guard.

The guard bowed with a quick, "yes, Your Highness," and left as well.

Papa walked back over to where I stood with Mother, who still held me tightly. I wondered if she'd ever let go.

They stared at each other for a long moment before Papa met my eyes and touched my face. "You go get cleaned up while I take care of this. We'll talk in a little while."

Very nervous about that, I nodded. A minute later, Papa was gone and I was walking down the long hall more slowly with Mother. I waited for her to demand to know where I was, but she didn't. She only asked if I was alright - about a dozen times - but she didn't make any demands for anything more. I knew it wouldn't last. I was going to have to confess everything to both of my parents, but it was so nice not to have to go through it all right now.


Having to recount everything was humiliating. Particularly because I now realized just how stupidly I had behaved. I couldn't even try to paint myself in a better light because the facts said otherwise. I willingly met with a strange man who, quite boldly, refused to tell me who he was or any other details about himself. I gladly followed him away from the castle and purposely kept everyone who might have talked some sense into me, in the dark. I very nearly threw everything away because I was bored and didn't like what I had to do. Essentially because I had a temper tantrum.

Even though I was allowed to have that discussion with just my parents, I knew that before too long, everyone would know what happened. Which was even worse. It was one thing to act like an idiot, but having everyone aware of it was like doing it again and again. I'd always prided myself on being smart, but obviously, I wasn't as smart as I'd always thought. If Papa hadn't already been neurotically keeping tabs on me, I might have paid for my stupidity with my life.

After I'd finished my story, Grandfather, Aunt Keira, and Uncle William came into the room. I should have guessed that they would be here by now. Grandfather was mainly in charge of security in the castle, and Aunt Keira acted as a guard herself sometimes. But I'd gone straight to my rooms to clean up and then to my parents' parlor where I waited with my mother for Papa to join us, so I hadn't seen them. Naively, I'd hoped that I could wait until, at least, the morning before I would have to explain to everyone else. That they were here now meant that the whole family likely knew what happened.

Ah yes, there would be no quick end to my humiliation.

They came over to hug me and ensure that I was alright, and soon I was dismissed. My parents had mentioned a punishment, but we hadn't actually discussed one yet. I knew if they weren't so eager to tighten security and amend the flaws that allowed this to happen, we would be though.

Granted a momentary reprieve, I planned to go to my rooms. I didn't get very far before I was intercepted by Lily and Matthew. Lily ran at me and threw her arms around my neck, nearly choking me.

"Hi, Lil," I managed to say. "Ouch!" I added as she smacked the back of my head.

"What's the matter with you?" she asked, pulling away. "How could you do something so stupid?" Leave it to Lily not to sugar coat anything.

"I don't know." I sighed. "I wasn't thinking."

"Obviously," Matthew said, frowning.

I looked at him pathetically and he shook his head before pulling me into his arms. "Next time you plan to have an adventure, tell me about it first."

"Or tell someone, at least!" Lily added.

"I know," I said when Matthew released me. "I'm sorry."

We stood awkwardly for a minute. Their outrage, apparently abated since I wasn't offering any argument.

"Well, I heard you really let them have it, anyway," Matthew said, proud of me despite my stupidity.

"Papa said that one man didn't even make it to the dungeon," Lily said.

I half smiled. Horrified as I still felt for having done it, I was a little proud too.

"You'll have to-" Lily began.

"I've come to tell you that I'm not speaking to you any more." Gwen was suddenly there between Lily and Matthew, looking angry.

"Gwen..." I tried.

"You lied, Evie. You said you'd tell!"

I stared at her for a minute, surprised. She was only mad that I didn't share the interesting details and not that I'd fallen into a very dangerous trap?

"I'm sorry, Gwen," I said because even though it was a silly concern in light of what happened, I did lie to her.

"Will you tell me now?" she asked, not sure if she was still angry or not.

I was about to think of a way out of it since I really didn't want to go through it all again, but that hopeful and intrigued look on my sister's face convinced me otherwise. Gwen was even more naive than I apparently was. One day, she might be targeted like I'd been and if she didn't start thinking much more critically, she would be a ridiculously easy target.

"Alright." I sighed, looking forward to the task even less since I knew Matthew and Lily wouldn't leave us alone for it. "Let's go to my rooms." 

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