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The Verona Weekly Times

Memorial service of tragic crash victims takes place in Verona

The memorial service of young crash victims Justin Capet (16) and Rowan Montgomery (18) took place in Verona today, attended by friends and family members, as well as teachers and pupils from both Capulet High School and Montague High School.

The boys were driving respectively from and to St Peterstown last week, reportedly a result of a message lost in translation as they were attempting to meet with one another. In the intervening days it has been revealed that the boys were in a relationship, and planned to leave town together over the forthcoming weeks.

At the service today, speakers included Nathan Capet, Justin’s foster brother, and Ben Montgomery, Rowan’s cousin, both of whom called for a halt to the rivalry between their two schools, which they believed greatly contributed to the death of their loved ones.

Rowan had been accepted on a football scholarship to UCLA in the fall, to study architecture, and Justin intended to study law after school.

This truly tragic story will resonate with Verona citizens for generations, and hopefully bring an end to the bitterness that has plagued the town.

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