In a world where everyone had powers, I was trying to get an upgrade on my ability with a mission when it cost my friend John's eyes. I had been detroying growing alien creatures in an alien base, one of the invaders, and a high tier gaurd stormed in as we did. He had burned off John's eyes with a powerful green beam, all of us escaping by a hair. John began becoming more cold and distant,getting bionic blue eyes when powers activated and their old brown when deactivated. He went from cold to evil, become a well known villian in the heroic society. He started kidnapping people and torchering them for this game show he owned, a fortune wheel game. I was still in the hero's company and my next mission was to go under cover and acted as a targeted victim. Sitting alone on a bench, a blond wig with blue eye contacts in and a teensge outfit, I was soon knocked out without me even being aware. I woke up in the rumbling vehicle that carried me to my destinstion, my hands in shackles and duct tape shutting my mouth closed. I was pushed out onto a dirt floor, a circus setting all around me filled with people in masks. John walked onto the center of the room, grabbing everyone's attention and he began the introduction to his act. As he spun a colorful fortune wheel, I was tied up against a seperate wheel, one that could spin, ropes holding me in place when they spun me. They began throwing knives at me for this act. If I didnt get out now, I might not make it. I managed to burn through the ropes with my power and break free, running towards the enterance. John began chasing me, so as I ran I ripped off the clothing I was wearing to show my black special suit, 3 people jumping out into the scene and surrounding John. We jumped him, deactivating his bionic eyes and taking him back to the company. As I was taking Joh up the stairs due to a power outage and the elevator not functioning, he pushed me down the stair at probably the third floor. The person who was helping me escort him also was pushed but she balanced back on her feet and swung him with the force instead, sending him rolling after me. As we both started falling down the stairs, I tackled him, trying to put his hands behind his back when he reactivates his vision and pushes me down even further, continuing to roll together. The electricity goes back on, but afterwards I became unconsious. When I awaken in the infirmary, I soon find out he convinced the higher ups that he would join us after I woke up and reported to the main office. He talked to me later, spitting his hatered to me for what I had done to his vision, his eyes glowing red. I freeze his feet in ice and soon walk away briskly,getting chills from his cold stare down my spine, feeling his gaze bore through me as I went to talk to the boss.
Dreams & Nightmares
Short StoryEvery chapter is a short story derived from my dreams, which usually contain action, blood, gore, and sometimes fluffy shit. Friends kept telling me I should write them as stories, so here this is!