1. So So Sorry

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Everything happens for a reason. Time is always just right. And focusing on hypotheticals that could have been is harmful. Let time be time. Let it pass. Make mistakes. However, time can also be just wrong. If only you were a second early, if you didn't do this or that. You can't change time. So let it be.
It's okay to make mistakes, it might turn into a happy accident.

      I brushed my hair out of my face as I had almost finished decorating my desk. I put a journal with my name on it "Dylan" as the final touch. I loved my studio apartment, right in the middle of the living, breathing city of LA. I knew I belonged here since I was like ten. I made sure I graduated high school early. Now that I'm 17 going on 18 in a few months, I finally worked up enough money from writing excerpts on blogs and selling poetry books that were self published. I was by no means famous for my book, it was not well known at all. But I sold a few books in my home town back in Maine. I was so excited  to be in LA and have this fresh start in the city I had always dreamed of. I grabbed a pair of earbuds and my phone and decided to walk around the streets of LA and maybe find a coffee shop or a store that I might like. I put in my head phones and pressed shuffle on my playlist and walked out of my apartment. I got into the elevator, and to the lobby, and finally I was on the streets of LA. I was fascinated purely by the people and the buildings around me. All the interesting faces passing by. I was so dazed by the visuals of the city, mixed with the hypnotizing music that danced in my head. It was as if I was watching a scene in a movie. A beautiful, dream of a movie. And I was living it. I was so caught up in the mesmerizing moment that I hadn't noticed someone running toward me. He ran into my shoulder, causing me to drop my phone. My headphones were ripped out of my ears. I swiftly stumbled over and fell to the ground. I was so stunned that I didn't say anything. It happened so fast. I heard an audibly loud crack and realized the person who had ran into me stepped on my phone.
"Really?" I said picking up my now damaged phone.
"I'm so so sorry!" A guys voice said.
The boy kneeled down and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Are you alright?" He asked
I looked up at him. The guy looked about my age, or so I thought. He had deep brown hair, and coffee colored eyes. He was wearing a black shirt and black skinny jeans. The strangest of his appearance was the massive camera he was holding. My first thought was that he was a photographer.
"Yeah I'm fine, but my phone isn't." I said, lightly tracing my finger over the shattered screen.
"I am so so so sorry, does it still work?" He asked
I pressed the power button and the screen lit up. The touch screen still worked but my screen was still busted.
"Yeah but it's still fucked." I said.
He stood up and reached his hand out to me to help me. I grabbed his hand and he helped me up.
I caught a glance of his camera that he was holding to his side, and it was recording.
So he's not a photographer?
"I'll pay for a new one. I am so sorry." He said nervously.
"Stop saying sorry, it's fine, it was an accident. And I'm not making you pay for it." I laughed.
"Of course I'm paying for it I broke your phone. Here, put my number in your phone. We can meet up tomorrow and we'll go get it fixed, I'm paying." He said giving my his phone with his number on the screen.
"You really don't have to do this." I said
"Yes I do. I shattered your phone." He laughed
"Fine..." I typed his number in my phone.
"What's your name?" I asked.
He looked a bit confused, as if I should have known his name.
"David." He said with a slight smile
"David who?" I dug the question further.
"Dobrik. D-O-B-R-I-K" He spelled it out.
I put his name in my phone as well.
"What's your name?" he asked
"Dylan." I said
"Dylan who?" He mocked me.
I laughed a little.
"Well my full name is Delaney Allison Wells, but everyone calls me Dylan." I said
"Okay Dylan, what time do you wanna meet tomorrow?" He said
"Umm is two okay with you?" I asked
"Yeah, where do you live?" He asked
"You're not gonna murder me are you?" I joked.
"No." He trailed off his sentence with laughter
I laughed and told him the name of my apartment building and my apartment number.
"Okay see you tomorrow, I gotta run. Bye Dylan." He said, jogging away quickly. It looked like he was in a rush or something.
I looked down at my phone screen and rolled my eyes at the broken glass.
Of course this had to happen to me. At least He was nice.
Maybe I should look on the bright side, my first LA friend. I shrugged it off and decided I would walk back to me apartment, in fear of another incident happening.
Thank you for reading this. I feel this is going to be my best, most detailed book yet. Comments and votes are appreciated.
Thanks <3

Happy Accident // David DobrikWhere stories live. Discover now