Your First Road Trip

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    As I set out on the road with you in my belly and our dog in the backseat I was filled with excitement. I'm just seventeen excruciatingly long hours your daddy would be climbing into the passenger seat never to leave my side again. Finally i would have him holding my hand the next time I got to see you and he could finally hear your heartbeat. I could hardly contain my excitement as the hours drug on, but I knew it would be worth it to see and hold your daddy once again.
    As we  began our drive the gps wouldn't work we were on our own to find our way. As we drove down the highways the sun went down and the headlights came on, but on and on we drove. When the sun came up and the headlights turned off we still had four hours to go. Those last four hours were the longest just waiting with excitement to pull into the parking lot and see his face, a face I had missed for forty-five days.
    Finally just an hour and a half a way with no gps I had no idea which way to go. The nerves finally set in I didn't know if we would make it there or be lost somewhere I didn't know. I had to trust my gut I took a left thinking it looked like the place to turn I was sure we were getting closer. As we continued down the winding rode I began biting my nails thinking for sure we were lost, but I kept driving looking for a sign. Finally we came to a stoplight as I looked to my left I saw a sign. Finally a sign that could help it had the name of our destination and an arrow pointing the way. We weren't lost, mama's gut instinct got us where we needed to be.
    Finally twenty miles from our destination your daddy calls to make sure we were still coming. We were already an hour late but I assured he would see us soon. As we pulled into town I stopped at a gas station for directions. They told me to take the last right turn in town so I did or so I thought, but I'd turned to soon and got turned around. Your grandma called and I told her I was lost she told me to park while she found directions, but I kept driving. Finally with your grandma telling me to pull over I saw the cemetery then the vet I knew where I was. I was a block away from your daddy. I told your grandma I found it and hung up. I drove the last block and your daddy hopped in. The adventure had just begun and through all the twist and turns we had already made it through one last twist and one sharp turn was about to change it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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