Holy Sh*t

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Alice's POV;
I was sitting in the lounge room watching the television, bored.
Then I got sucked into a vision.
"Jess?" Sam called out as he went towards a room.
He screamed causing Bella to drop a cookie.
She ran down the hall and into the room Sam was in which was in flames.
"SAM!" She called out to him.
He didn't hear her, he was still calling Jessica's name and was looking at the ceiling. A girl (Jessica I assume) was pinned to the ceiling.
On fire.
With a large gash on her stomach.
"Sam come on we have to get out of here!" Bella yelled.
Just then Dean busted into the apartment and dragged Sam and Bella out of the apartment and out to the car.
(Scene Change)
Siren's wailed, the ambulances, fire trucks and police came and Sam was sitting on the hood of the Impala answering questions and clinging to Bella. Dean sat beside him gripping his shoulder tightly.
"We've got work to do." Sam muttered as he got into the passenger seat, after all the emergency services left.
:End Vision.
"Alice? Was that Bella in that fire?" Edward demanded.
Edward had been a mess lately. Not talking to anyone, only hunting and going to school. Like a machine.
"Yes, but she's fine. You should be more worried about the girl that was stuck on the roof. Her name was Jessica. She was on fire and had a cut on her stomach. She's dead....... But who would've done this?" I sobbed, without tears.
"Victoria? The Voltori? Any vampire could've done this" Rosalie chimed in.
"This isn't a vampire. There weren't any bite marks on the girl and there was a cut in her stomach. A vampire wouldn't have been able to restrain itself" Edward denied.
"A human did that? I don't think so" I sighed.
"A mutt?" Rosalie provided.
"It could be one of the wolves. We may just have to ask them" Carlisle agreed.
"Our future disappear tomorrow. Either we go see them or they come see us" I informed them.
They nod.

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