9.1 | An Empty Shadow |

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A silver seal etches through her veins and into my own

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A silver seal etches through her veins and into my own. A temporary contract.

Thousands of insects crawling through each and every fiber of my being like a dance of electricity and smoke, the push and pull of reciprocated energy. Thoughts, feelings, they all come crashing into me. A personal education on someone supposedly estranged.

Yet, through those thoughts and feelings, I see an outstretch of cobblestone and gravel leading to a veiled palace. I hear the grinding of wheels on half paved stretches of road and horses breathing in silent cold air.

A raven-haired mistress sits inside a coach with hands folded gently in her lap and eyes transfixed permanently outside. Her gaze lingers on what appeared to be a ginger-haired maiden and her blond companion gardening outside, a peaceful rule and a quiet world. Their court was small, their visitors far and few between. Without war, no one knew where the wealth and endless fortune came from.

Only that is was a time of love.

She steps out of the carriage and into the spring air with fog hanging low, blowing it out of her face with every step closer until the young woman turned to see her. Those auburn eyes alight.

A pair of gentle hands wrap around her and pull her body into them. "You didn't tell me we were having guests, dear."

I blink away the vision at the sound of his voice in my ears, launching into action and thrusting myself that the crowd with all the strength welling up inside me. Her strength,

Endless and wild, yet light-weight and oddly containable.

There wasn't time for considerations, only enough for me to burn up and outwardly towards her fellow men. Tearing through the line of defenses with fire and sleek determination, most find themselves gutted and charred within moments. A small crowd traps me again when I stand still for a breath, my back hitting another's.

The woman's hood slips off her head completely and down her back, revealing pointed ears under thick locks and letting her pointed teeth shine in their direction. Something more wicked and free consumes her demeanor this time, it coils tightly in her eyes and snakes along her lips, washing over every inch of her frame.

I sense her through this strange contract, feel her tugging a little to reel me in before the release. It then snaps like a rubber band and sends us slicing into and carving out the guts and hearts of the remaining assailants.

Dead at my feet. All of them.

Stretching in the power and light of the moon, I feel a little dizzy again and find my legs trembling beneath me. The ringing ceases, the only sound a dull moaning. Perhaps the faint cries are drowned out by this, with Remi collapsed in the sand behind me and the boys looking back and forth in confusion.

I turn to see the Fae woman standing over another body, the heel of her boot twisting into his groin with a sadistic grin sneaking over her lips once again. The calm persona is seeping back into her, but that doesn't remove the raw, unadulterated joy in her eyes. "You've no idea how long I've been waiting to tear your balls off," she murmurs into the wind. "Six years, just waiting for the uprising..."

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