Chapter 7 Red Dress

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He kissed you, a hard swift kiss and turned you to face the mirror.  He ran his fingers around the edge of your collar. 

Reaching your shoulders,  he dipped his fingers in and began to pull the fabric down.  You gasped as he revealed your shoulders, then the mounded tops of your breasts. 

Jin's breath stopped as he watched in the mirror his hands slipping the dress down, slowly revealing  you to him.   He stopped in hunger as your breasts were uncovered, pushed up and together with red lace peeping from the top of the dress. 

He began to grind into you at the sight in the mirror.  Both of you were flushed, eyes blown full with lust, lips parted, both breathing hard.

His gaze fell again on the dress in his hands  exposing you, trapping your arms to your sides. He groaned again as you turned your head to him, seeking his mouth.  He crushed his lips to yours  tongues tasting and dancing in rhythm to your hips.

Jin wanted to see all of you.  He pulled the dress the rest of the way to your waist, freeing your arms to reach behind you to go around his neck.

He drank in the sight of you arched against him, arms behind you jutting your breasts forward , your nipples playing hide and seek in the red lace.

The music changed again.  This time a slow sensuous song played and Jin turned you in his arms to hold you close.  You put your arms around his neck, both hands caressing his hair. 

Your hands roamed down his hard chest.  You reached the bottom of the cashmere and ran your hand inside to trace the definition of his abdominal muscles. Without breaking the kiss, you pulled the sweater slowly up.  Jin broke away from you to pull the sweater off. You leaned in to kiss his throat  and down his chest.

Without you realizing it he danced you toward the bed.  His hands reached and caressed you from your hands to your shoulders, traveled down your back and grabbed your ass with both hands.  He pinched then rubbed then kneaded in time to the music.  You were pressing as close as you could to him when he drew away a half step. 

Jin began to roll with you in a deep circle  building need in you, making you catch your breath at each dip into you.  He bent his head again  and began to stroke his tongue in time with his hips. 

His hands fell to the side of your hips and grabbed  handfuls of your skirt.  With each rotation of his hips you could feel his hands gather the skirt, hitching it higher.

As your need became greater and the heat pooled  and built in your core you felt the cold contrast of your bare skin being revealed.

As the skirt reached above your hips the music changed  again. This time to the funky beat of the new song.

This song was the one in the club that was playing when you got separated from Jin.

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