Egg Hair

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Today I had an epiphany!!! This is the kind of things my best friend and I text about :3 enjooooyyyy

KEY: Me- 74  BFF- Nay NayHorseleg(dont ask)

NayNay Horsleg: Meeeeerrrrrffffff

74: Deeeeerrrrrffffff

74: Eggs are really bald

NayNay: Deeeeerrrrpppp

74: Why are eggs so bald

NayNay: Idk

74: eggs should have hair

NayNay: eww no

74: hehehe egg shampoo

NayNay: Nasty

74: Egg shaving Cream

NayNay: Wwwww

74: egg curlers for dem lady eggs

NayNay: Gross


NayNay: O girl


NayNay: Haha (sarcasm sarcasm)

74: Eggs need shampoo for their lushious long locks

NayNay: Ugh, cmon woman i had a boild egg earlier

74: :3 a bald egg?

NayNay: yes woman a bald egg

74: did it taste magical

NayNay: Yes

74: did it taste like *whispers* santaclause?

NayNay: Wtf

74: well, did it? or did it taste more like the easter bunny?! o_o

74: *waiting for reply*

*5 minutes pass* *5hours* *goes back to school* *finds out nay nay moved to a different school*

And ye, thats how it happened. NayNay Horsleg is now at a different school, but we had the text convo after she moved... but we did have a pretty weird one before she moved... hmm.

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