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At first on stage was Allura, Hunk, Lance, Pidge, and then Keith. First the light shined on Lance.
"Today we live." Lance sang.
"Today we breathe." Hunk sang.
"Today we know that we are strong when we are weak." Keith sand.
"Today we trust, we overcome." Pidge sang.
"Take chain that kept us slaves and throw them off." Allura said.
'We're not waiting for permission, we defy our inhibition.
Like our middel namr is fearless 'unafraid'."they all sang together.
"If we're gonna fly we fly like eagles" Lance sang.
"Arms out wide." The others said except Lance.
"If we're gonna fear we fear no evil." Pidge sang.
"We will Rise." They all sang except Pidge.
"By your power we will go" hunk sang
" by our spirt we are bold." Allura sang.
"If we're gonna stand we stand as giants if we're gonna walk we walk as Lions." Keith sang as everyone else joined in at the lions. Backgroud singers began singing.
"Today is ours. It's always been." Keith said.
"Before we face the fight, we know who's gonna win." Pidge sang. Pidge started cramping and she stumpled into lance. Lance was next but hunk took over for him.
"Pidge, what's wrong?" Lance said.
Pidge couldn't answer. She sat down and folded her knees towars her chest. She grinned her teeth. Keith came up from behind.
"Pidge, what's wrong?"
"The pain." She said.
"She says the pain." Lance said.
"Are you gonns repeat everything she says?" Keith asked.
"Not today." Keith said. He picked Pidge up and headed off stage. As he did Voltron stopped as the lights went out and followed Keith.
"Pidge are you alright?" Allura asked.
"Lance go to Pidge's room, she should have a heating pad. Bring it." Keith said. Keith poped open a bottle of pills and took 3 out.
"Hunk lend me your water." Keith said. Hunk handed him the water as he gave it to Pidge to swallow the pills.
"What are those?" Allura asked.
"Pain killers." Hunk said.
"If they are killers why are you giving them to Pidge?" Allura asked.
"It's not like that. It is to stop the pain. In this case it is to cease the pain in Pidge's stomac-, oh i get it now." Hunk said.
"What do you mean?" Allura asked.
"She's on her period." Keith said. Allura turned red.
"Human also get periods, i it was just alteans." Allura said.
Shiro, Coran and Romelle came over in a hurry.
"What happened?" Shiro asked.
"Her cycle has started." Allura said.
"I got the heating pad." Lance said rushing over. Shiro and Keith took her back to Castle of lions. The show was cancelled.
* Next morning on the bridge
"I can't believe this." Shiro said.
"I have to admit if i didn't know the truth, i'd believe it too." Romelle said.
"That's not helping." Shiro said.
"The question is when were they taking photos?" Coran asked.
"It must have been when they were distracted or let their guard down." Romelle said.
"The fans really believe this junk? This is all taken out of context." Shiro said.
"We can fix it, first things first. Who's going to be the one to tell them." Coran said.
"Tell who what?" Allura said coming in with the rest of Voltron.
"Nothing!...Pidge how are you doing?" Romelle asked.
"About 1/10 better. What's going on?" Pidge asked. Shiro looked at Coran who looked at Romelle.
"You see, last night in all the chaos their were some pictures taken...of course they were out of context, i mean most pictures now a days are. It's norma-" Shiro cut Romelle off.
"The pictures were printed out on the magizine and started a rumor among your fans." Shiro said handing Allura the magazine. Everyone looked over her shoulder.
"Hastag Kidge!" Lance yelled.
Pidge and Keith's eyes widened as they saw pictures of them on a magazine under exclusive headlines. There was a picture of them in the aursian hotel when Pidge fell off the sofa and onto Keith. There was more from the concert of Keith being protective of Pidge and one of him carrying her. The title said
"Bad boy falling for the tech savy." Keith said.
"Cool title." Hunk said. Both Keith and Pidge glanced at him.
"Well it is, it captures the gossip." Hunk said.
"It's just photos taken out of context. The paparazzi is just using it for the ratings." Pidge said.
"So there's nothing going on between you two?" Lance asked.
"What do you think, you were there when the pictures were taken." Keith said.
"Far enough." Lance said.
"We've arranged a meeting with the press so you two can work it out." Coran said.
"Us?!" Keith and Pidge said.
"Them?!" Allura, Lance, and Hunk said.

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