Life of a Star

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The whole Voltron team went out to the town. They went to a nice resturant and sat at a booth. The resturant was alot like a luby's or all you can eat. You get a tray and get your own food. They all placed their stuff at a booth as they got up to go get their food. Hunk was going out, he got scallops and some beans and rice with enchiladas with melted cheese drizzled ontop.

Pidge was at salad bar, she was getting some chicken mixed in with the salad as she added dressing. Lance was placing scooping some rice onto his plate with beans. Allura was with Coran and Hunk as they were each getting a plate full of green goo. Hunk at first wasn't willing to try new foods but one day while he and Lance were touring they nearly ran out of food. Hunk resorted to eating the tucked away green goo while Lance demanded they stop somewhere to get actual food.

Keith had a steak on his plate as he added mixed vegstables to his plate. Shiro had the same thing and got mochi for dessert. Once they each had their own plate of food they made their way to a large table in the back of the resturant. They each made sure their faces were covered while eating, whether they were wearing sunglasses or a hat that covered their face.

"It doesn't seem to be to crowded. Maybe we could lose a few layers." Lance suggested.

"We can't risk it. There may not be a lot of people no but if anyone recognizes you this place would be crowded within seconds." Coran advised.

"Coran is right. Besides we need to stay out of the media for now. We can't risk another incident occurring."

"Well, then maybe we should have let Keith and Pidge at the castle." 

"How would that change anything?" Pidge asked.

"You two are the ones who caused a ruckus and fed the media." Lance pointed out.

"Like we meant to do that." Keith said.

"I don't know did you?" Lance asked.

"That's enough you two." Allura said raising her voice. Their argument had drawn the attention of the people in the resturant. They soon began to mind themselves, "You both are acting like fools. It doesn't matter who caused all the drama with the media what matters is that we avoid anymore drama."

"Allura's right guys. You guys arguing in the middle of the resturant isn't going to help." Hunk said staring at the green goo on his spoon.

"Fine." Lance and Keith agreed.

"Now tonight is about celebrating our new cover album. After next week, we are going on tour all across the universe." Coran said.

"Hopefully our album can make it to the top 100 on the universe charts." Pidge said.

"It should after all, one of mine and Hunk's album made it to the top 100." Lance said.

"Really, what place?" Both Romelle and Allura asked. 

"32th." Lance replied.

"What are you talking about?" Hunk asked. "It came in 64th."

"Well it should have come in the top 50." Lance said.

"It's fine though. That's mean we have three artists that albums have made it into the top 100." Coran said.

"What are you talking about?" Lance asked.

"Didn't you know Keith's album's made it to the top 100s too." Lance faced Keith with rivalry written in his eyes. 

"Who cares? He probably got like 100th place." Lance said.

"No, Keith may have been a rookie but he was pretty popular. His first album landed the 23rd spot." Lance's jaw dropped. "And his second album landed the 17th spot." Coran and officially killed Lance. Lance slowly sank in his chair.

"Then for sure our album will get into the top 100." Allura said.

"Well, its not a guarantee, but a possibility." Pidge said. " We just got to hope it sells good and the fans love it." 

(I know this chapter isn't as interesting as others but this is just a start for something big. Sorry I haven't updated in a while but with the stay at home orders I should have time to update and create more chapters)

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