whereas you are everywhere,

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There was one thing Jimin adamantly admired about Jungkook, and that was his ability to belt a tune like there would never be another song after it. Never in his life had he heard someone with such passion in his voice like Jungkook had, it was the purest connection Jungkook had to the world. With one swoop of his chest and the most minor tilt of his chin, Jungkook was able to convey a sound that sent chills down Jimin's spine. If the angel harked to sing, it was Jungkook doing it. 

Slightly smitten by the way Jungkook was able to master his sound in the blink of an eye, Jimin found himself day dreaming while forgetting to write down the lyrics that Jungkook was singing. Realising this, Jungkook snapped his fingers once to bring Jimin back down to earth, successfully doing so. Jimin nodded and penned the last few lyrics, trying to recall every line as he sung it softly back to himself while Jungkook continued on. The two worked like this for awhile until Jungkook came to a halt, mumbling a certain set of lyrics to himself as he tried to figure out the proper wording, leaving Jimin hanging in anticipation of which one Jungkook would choose.

Finally Jungkook turned to Jimin, pressing his lips firmly together as he came to sit next to him. "Any insight on what to do next? This is your song, too, you know," Jungkook said, nudging Jimin.

"I like everything you've come up with so far," Jimin replied, smiling from ear to ear.

Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully, settling further onto the arm of the chair as he looked over what Jimin had written down. "Fair enough, but I meant you can contribute to writing the lyrics, or coming up with the melody. It doesn't have to be what I've worked on already."

"Well," Jimin began to say, promptly stopping as Jungkook raised his eyebrows at him, causing Jimin to shy away, "I don't think what I have is any good."

Jungkook nudged Jimin again, causing Jimin to shuffle around in the seat so that his back was against the opposite arm of the chair, staring at Jungkook as he balanced himself. "Have you written anything? Let me see," Jungkook encouraged.

Jimin shrugged, flipping through the pages of his notebook until he fingered the page he was looking for, studying it for a moment before hesitantly handing the book over to Jungkook. As soon as Jungkook had his fingers on the page Jimin regretted showing him, hiding his face in his hands as Jungkook chuckled at him. After a few minutes of reading what Jimin had written, Jungkook nodded once and a smile erupted on his face, leaning down so that he could pat the underside of Jimin's thigh.

"This is really good, hyung," Jungkook said, slipping down off of the arm of the chair so that he was laying in the small space between Jimin's feet and the side of the chair. "Why are you always so embarrassed? You need to give yourself credit sometimes instead of being such a --- pessimist."

"I am not a pessimist," Jimin mumbled underneath his hands, trying to shake away Jungkook who was now prying each finger from Jimin's face.

"Oh? Then you'll admit that what you wrote is good, right? That's not so hard to do," Jungkook said, finally pulling away one hand from Jimin's face.

Giving up on their little game, Jimin put his other hand down and took in the sight of his friend's expectant face. "I don't know if it's any good, I just have your word to lean on."

"Read it again with a different set of eyes, pretend you're not the author anymore," Jungkook explained. "Maybe if you look at it that way, you can see how good it really is."

Jimin smiled. "You really like it?"

"Would I be saying all of this if I didn't?" Jungkook said, poking Jimin in the stomach. "You're talented, hyung, more than you'll ever know. And I like what you wrote --- I like that metaphor. Trees."

THE CEDARS [ J. Jungkook & P. Jimin | COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now