you are everything, Jimin."

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On the return flight there weren't as many passengers, which meant Jungkook and Jimin could sit together on the plane despite things still being tense between them. Leaving the lodge had been awkward as they quietly packed their things and left behind the nest that they had formed their love in, even though now they were rudely leaving it as if it hadn't helped contribute to what had happened. Jungkook wished that he could rewind time and say the words he meant to last night, instead of being in the situation they were now. He didn't want Jimin to be mad at him for two weeks, especially seeing as how they wouldn't see each other in that time.

Jimin didn't say a word as he plugged in his headphones, staring out of the window blankly despite his thoughts running rampant. He took the window seat that Jungkook had offered him simply because he didn't want to speak to say no, even if that was petty. He was hurt and he felt like he couldn't control his emotions, especially since he thought his feelings were one-sided. Even though he had genuinely enjoyed his time with Jungkook, Jimin wished they had never come to Aokigahara, it would have been easier wondering what if his entire life instead of knowing the truth that he could never have Jungkook. He choked back his tears on the plane, securing his sunglasses against his nose while keeping his eyes focused out at the wing, soaring through the lightly clouded sky.

Jungkook kept repeating one word over in his head, trying to understand how it felt in his mouth and whether he felt any connection to it. It wasn't as though he was completely oblivious to people who were that way, he had seen shows and movies where people were --- but personally he had never known anyone who actually was gay. Jimin had admitted that he was, but Jungkook wasn't sure if he could really put that title on himself. He still found women attractive, he could think of a number of women that he liked --- but then there was Jimin. He loved how smooth Jimin's skin was and the shape of his lips, he was more beautiful than any woman Jungkook had ever seen. Even as Jungkook acknowledged his physical attraction to Jimin, he knew now that the feelings he had for Jimin had been there for a very long time, except back then they were under the guise of something else. He remembered the many dreams he had of Jimin, the ones he swore were caused by his overactive imagination. There were so many examples in his past that Jungkook wondered how he didn't put everything together before Aokigahara.

He saw Jimin clasp his hands between his legs, still ignoring Jungkook as though they were two strangers seated next to each other at random. Jungkook eyed Jimin's naturally pink fingernails, examining his long slender fingers that fit so perfectly between his own. He was tempted to reach over and grab Jimin's hand in his, but he knew that things had escalated beyond that. Most of all he needed to accept that Jimin was processing something for himself, and clearly he needed space to do that. But Jungkook knew that when they stepped off of the plane that he would have to say something, he couldn't go two weeks without explaining himself. For the rest of the flight Jungkook thought over what he wanted to say to Jimin, while Jimin continued to give him the cold shoulder.

When the time came they exited the plane as quietly as they boarded, soon heading over to grab their luggage. Jungkook tried to grab his suitcase first, but Jimin's came out before his did and he promptly grabbed it, turning to leave. Hissing under his breath at the fact that his suitcase still hadn't come off of the conveyor, Jungkook could see Jimin walking away. He knew he couldn't let him leave like that, abandoning his suitcase to run after Jimin, softly calling out his name as he chased after him. Jimin came to a stop, pulling out one headphone as he turned to face Jungkook who came skidding to a stop in front of him.

"You were really going to leave without saying goodbye?" Jungkook questioned, trying not to sound annoyed.

Jimin shrugged. "I guess I was."

Shuffling on either of his feet anxiously, Jungkook shoved his hands into his pockets. "After everything that's how you want to end our trip?"

Jimin saw the defeated look on Jungkook's face, immediately pulling out his other headphone so that he could properly address him. "Thank you for everything, Jungkook-ah, these past two weeks were --- wonderful," Jimin said, nodding his head once.

THE CEDARS [ J. Jungkook & P. Jimin | COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now