strong, gentle, untouchable,

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After getting the groceries and returning to the lodge to put everything away, Jimin and Jungkook came to a decision that they wanted to cook a nice meal, especially since they picked up a few bottles of wine to accompany dinner. Jimin found a recipe a few weeks prior and collected all of the ingredients, deciding to teach Jungkook how to cook this particular meal. They worked together to start cutting up vegetables before preparing the meat separately, boiling rice noodles gently off to the side. While they waited for the meat to cook, Jungkook decided to go get the hot tub heated up for them to use later, as it would take awhile for the water to get warm and the temperature outside was cold enough to be uncomfortable.

As soon as the meat was almost finished, they fried the vegetables with the rice noodles in the wok. With the meal completed and the bottles of wine toting underneath their arms, they retreated to the animal skin rug by the wood stove, propping the door open to get more of the heat. The temperature had dropped significantly in the last few hours, enough that both of them were feeling it deep in their bones. They shared the food from a single bowl, often feeding each other mindlessly as it was common for them to do so. The wine went down easily, especially for Jimin, who was rosy cheeked within half an hour, while Jungkook had a smile planted firmly on his face.

"Why did you use peppers? We don't use those often," Jungkook asked, contemplating something for a moment before popping another piece of the fried pepper in his mouth.

Jimin leaned back against the wicker couch, disgruntled for a moment before he pulled the throw blanket down further to cover the hard object he was leaning against. "It's a Western thing, believe it or not," Jimin said.

Jungkook puckered his lips for a moment, nodding. "I don't think a food group belongs to one specific group, hyung."

"You're right, but some are more likely to lean towards certain types of food," Jimin replied.

"So why are we eating Western style food in Japan? Shouldn't we be eating more traditional Japanese meals?" Jungkook laughed.

Jimin rolled his eyes before leaning forward again as Jungkook scooped up another helping of food, immediately feeding it to Jimin instead of himself. Jimin munched on it proudly, watching as Jungkook took a separate amount for himself. "We have plenty of time to go eat out at restaurants here, but tonight isn't about that," Jimin stated.

Jungkook perked up, looking at Jimin intently. "Oh? What is it about?"

Even though Jimin desperately wanted to say that it was about the two of them, he found himself panicking and instead went to take a sip of his wine, immediately becoming inspired. He lifted his glass up, pointing to it. "Tonight is about wine!"

That's all it took to make Jungkook laugh again, picking up his own glass to tap against the side of Jimin's before they both took a sip. After that they kept the conversation light, mostly talking about when they were going to start working on the song, which they hoped to do in the coming days after the few things that Jungkook had scheduled for them to do. Neither one seemed particularly rushed, and that was because they had two full weeks at the lodge, both confident that it was enough time for them to compose one song together, as well as to have some fun. Because after that they wouldn't see each other for two weeks, even though they would both be back in Busan. They would be with their separate families until they returned to the apartment for the comeback tour, where they would fly all over the country and half way around the continent.

After cleaning up the dishes, the two changed into appropriate clothing for the hot tub, both dressed in relaxed shorts and tee shirts, though Jungkook was quick to get rid of his shirt --- partially due to wine, but mostly because of convenience. Jungkook got in first and took his place on one side of the hot tub, making a soft moaning noise as he settled, while Jimin took the opposite side, their feet overlapping each other in the middle. They didn't say much as they relaxed in the hot water, the cool air lapping gently at their already rosy cheeks. There was something that needed to be said between them, but neither one could say it out loud to the other. Instead Jungkook found himself moving his feet up against Jimin's, keeping them there temporarily while laying his head back on the lip of the hot tub. Jimin was curious whether Jungkook meant to at first, but as soon as Jungkook began moving his ankle against Jimin's as though he was rubbing it, Jimin knew it was on purpose.

THE CEDARS [ J. Jungkook & P. Jimin | COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now