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Cyrus grunted in dismay. Tj never failed to leave him in a disarray. He didn't understand how one boy could leave him so confused yet make him feel on top of the world at the same time. Cyrus pulled his phone off the charger before shutting it off and laying down for bed. About a million thoughts raced through his head preventing him from sleeping. Almost all of them about Tj. Eventually after hours of tossing and turning his brain had enough and he fell into a light sleep with his hand under his cheek.

He awoke to the default sound of his alarm going off at seven. He groaned groggily and rolled over to turn his phone on.

Slowly dragging his morning out, he pulled on his khakis and pulled his polo over his head. Barely holding his eyes open, he wished he had gone to bed earlier.

Cyrus dragged his feet down the hall to the bathroom. As he applied toothpaste to his toothbrush he rolled his eyes and then smiled at the goodmorning text he received from Tj.

Cyrus typed out a quick yes and brushed his teeth giddily

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Cyrus typed out a quick yes and brushed his teeth giddily. Meeting Tj before school in the morning is the highlight of his day. Sure hanging out with Buffy and Andi is pretty far up there but as much as he hates to admit it Tj understands him better.

Almost racing like into the school, Cyrus slides into the seat across from Tj, but Tj gets up and sits next to him.

"Thank you very much kind sir!" Cyrus laughed as Tj slid over the muffin.

"Yeah alright grandpa." Tj teased and poked Cyrus in his side causing him to jump.

"I absolutely hate when you do that." Cyrus defended him self and prevented Tj from doing it again.

"I know! That's why I so it!"

"I hate you."

"No, you don't!" Tj smirked at the younger boy.

Cyrus crossed his arms and pretended to ignore Tj.

"Fine I guess i'll just eat this muffin."

"You wouldn't dare!" Cyrus uncrossed his arms and glared at him.

But it was too late Tj had already taken a bite out of the muffin out of spite.

"I can't believe you just did that."

Tj mumbled a sorry between his chews and slid the half eaten muffin back to cyrus who then finished it.

"Walk you to class?" Tj asked, standing up and throwing his book back over his shoulders.

"I don't know, I feel bad making you walk all the way to the other side of the school."

"It's no problem, really, I enjoy it."

"I guess if you insist." Cyrus smiled up at him.

Cyrus stood up and slid his backpack straps over each arm with grunts of struggle as Tj just laughed at him.

While they walked down the hall every once in a while Tj would lightly brush his hand against Cyrus's just to get a reaction out of him.

"How's spanish going anyways? I hated that class!" Tj asked as they had arrived at Cyrus's stop with a few minutes to spare.

"It's fine I suppose, learning the alphabet is really hard. How's math going?" Cyrus made a fake frown.

"Fine, I'm teetering at an eighty percent, which sucks though."

"Study date? I help you, you help me?"

"Date? Huh?" Tj poked cyrus in side.

"I didn't mean it that way!" Cyrus's cheeks turned a deep crimson shade of red.

"Mmhmm sure whatever you say," Tj winked. "But sure, get a ride over about 4?"

"I'll be there." Cyrus rolled his eyes and waved in the door frame as Tj walked away. Tj looked back just for a moment to check on cyrus.

They day seemed endless for Cyrus. The longer he stared at the clock the slower time seemed to go by. When it was finally time to leave school he about jumped out of his seat. The first thing he did when he got in the car was ask his mom to go to Tj's. Of course she said yes along with obligatory "Name? Boy? Girl? Sleepover? Address?" questions.

He just smiled stupidly, counting down the time until he got to go to Tj's.

"You know just because you watch the paint doesn't make it dry any faster." His mom teased scuffling his hair.

Cyrus glared as he fixed his hair.
"I know I'm just really excited."

"You don't like him, do you?"

"Ew. No. What? That's gross why would I like a boy."

"I'm just kidding, how's iris doing?"

Cyrus still hadn't had the heart to tell her that he was gay or that iris and him had broken up. He felt bad he didn't like girls.

"Good mom, she's wonderful." His voice faltered at the lie.

"Tell her I said hi."

"Will do, will do mom." He won't.

Cyrus quietly snuck up to his room to pack. He shoved his clothes, his laptop and a few extra things into a small backpack. It was still only three thirty. To make time pass faster he turned on the TV for white noise and pulled his sketch book out. Mindlessly he started drawing Tj. Even when he realized what he was doing he couldn't stop. After being sidetracked with his fascination of Tj's jawline he noticed it was finally time to go over Tj's. He ran to the car and waited for his mom to come out. Impatiently, he tapped his fingers against his shaking knee.

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