A new school

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—This is the outfit Ivy wore to school but like without the beanie. ^^ Also I don't have a face claim go Ivy or Harper yet if anyone want to suggest anything. Welp hope you enjoy the chapter and at first it'll all be in Ivy's point of view but it will change and I'll still put it on the chapter—

Ivy's P.O.V

I woke up to the alarm on my phone going off. I  lightly grunted because I'm not a morning person then got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower and wake up a little.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I went into my bedroom and shut my door. I got out a long sleeve grey thin sweater, a black skirt with some black knee High Stockings, and some shoes that looked good with it out of my closet and drawls.

I got dressed then put my towel in the dirty clothes after I used it to dry my hair a little more. I then got into the cabinet under the sink and got out the blow dryer. I blow dried my hair to where it was dry then brushed it to where I could pull my fingers through it without hitting a single tangle.

After that I put the blow drier up and went down stairs to eat breakfast with dad because he made bacon and eggs. After breakfast I put the dishes up and got my backpack so that I wouldn't forget it.

We got into the truck and dad drove me to school. When we reached the school there were a few kids there but I had gotten there earlier so I could have time to find the office. I looked at dad and told him I loved him to which he replied that he loved me too. He kissed my forehead and told me to have a good day.

With a sigh I got out of the truck and started walking up to the school. From what dad told me I was only coming after first quarter so I hadn't showed up at the end of the school yeah and I only missed a couple of months but that didn't stop the few heads in the hallway this early from turning to look at me.

More people were showing up and I still couldn't find the office. I asked some random boy in the hall where the office was and he told me to in his own words to "fuck off" so I walked away in a random direction sadly and just hoped I was going in the right direction.

All the sudden the bell rang signaling first period. Some girl walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hi I'm felicity and you look super lost and new do you need any help?" She asked me. Well at least one person is nice in this school.

"Yeah I'm new here and I can't find the office. Do you know where it is?"I asked her in a soft voice.

"Yes I can show you where it is If you want me too." She said. I already liked her because she was nice to me.

"Yes please but won't you be late for class?" I asked her not wanting to get her in trouble.

"I'm already late plus I can just get a pass for helping you in the office so it's all good." She said than lead me all the to the office and told the secretary why she was here and that I was new.

She asked me my name and I told her it was Ivy Wilson. She said that they had my schedule and they needed to wait for it to print.

When it was done printing I looked at it and Felicity asked me to show it to her so I did. She said we had most of the same classes and she could show me the way. It was a decently small school so it wouldn't be hard to learn my way around. Even though she didn't have gym with me she said she had a friend that did so I wouldn't get lost.

The secretary gave us both passes and we went to first period together. When Felicity knocked on the door a woman answered. According to the paper the woman's name was mrs. Ross and from what Felicity said she was pretty nice.

"Felicity why are you late and who is this with you?" She asked as she took our passes. Everyone's eyes were on us and it was giving me anxiety.

"Sorry mrs. Ross but I was helping the new girl Ivy get to the office and I ended up staying with her and helping her here." Felicity said truthfully. After she said that mrs.Ross's mood changed and she looked at me.

"Oh and I'm guessing you to be miss Ivy Wilson?" She asked looking at me.

"Yes ma'm I'm Ivy." I said looking up at her.

"Oh well you can go sit in the back with Felicity then." She said and told Felicity to take me to the back but that's just when the bell ring for second period.

Me and Felicity walked into second period with one of her friends whose name was Joseph. He was the one taking me to gym next period.

This hour was social studies and the teacher said he was pleased to meet me and he hoped I was a good student and I'm just really glad they haven't made me introduce myself to the class yet.

The teacher's name was mr. Wilkins and he was a bit older. The whole hour he sat there and talked on and on about how there were the three branches of government and stuff. Didn't we learn this in like the seventh grade my goodness.

But soon what felt like after a long long time the bell finally went off and I said bye to Felicity and started to walk to gym with Joseph. We got there and he went up to the coach with me to tell him I was new. Coach told me to just sit on the bleachers and watch today and bring clothes tomorrow.

Joseph went to Change and I went to the bleachers. There were girls and guys coming out of the locker room but I wasn't paying much attention. I looked over to see a certain girl. She looked hot but as soon as I looked over she ran off.

I watched her go up to the guys there and fist bump some including Joseph. They were sharing some words when I guess Joseph saw me staring at her because he came over with her and introduced us.

"Oh hi Joseph tells me you're the new girl. I'm Harper. You know you're pretty cute. I like your knee high stockings." She said to me which made me blush a deep red. "Aww you're even cuter when you blush." She said rubbing the back of her hand against my cheek which caused my breathing to hitch.

"I-I'm Ivy thank you." I said secretly cursing myself for stuttering.

The coach called them over but not before Harper said bye and that I was apparently going to sit with them at lunch.

~time skip~

The last bell of the day just went off and my day went pretty well at lunch I sat by Harper and almost had a anxiety attack but then her hand accidentally rubbed over my thigh when she was wiping her hands on her pants and it oddly calmed me down so much but I don't know how because usually only my dad can stop my attacks.

After lunch I carried on with the day and realized I had every other class with Harper. I tried not to look at her but I could feel her eyes on me and that made me blush and play with the hem of my skirt.

I went home and discussed my day at school with dad and finished my room. I ate and did my nightly routine and did homework from school.

When I went to bed I layed there thinking about the days events but eventually fell asleep with one thought on my mind that I think I very well knew the answer too. Did I have a crush on Harper Rites?

—oof did you like it I'm just finally happy to introduce Harper and I think next chapter is gonna be in her point of view but I don't know yet—

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