Dinner At The Wilsons

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Second part 😀
Two chapters one day hope you enjoy.

Italics and ' mean it's her wolf talking.

Harper's P.O.V

We are making our way over to my dad's friend's house to have dinner.

When we got to the house I saw in that it wasn't that big but wasn't small either.

Dad told me that his friend Trenton has a daughter. I wonder if she goes to our school or if I've seen her before.

We got up to the house and my dad knocked. A man opened the door just a second later with a big smile and immediately hugged my dad upon seeing him. Dad hugged back then he told us we could come inside.

Man I gotta say whatever he cooked smelled delicious. I couldn't wait to see what it was that smelled so good.

All of us made our way inside with me being the last with my brother in front of me. The more we stepped inside the stronger the aroma was it wasn't really a good smell so it must've been a really strong candle because it smells like Ivy.

"Harper?" I heard.

I looked up and immediately locked eyes with Ivy.

"Ivy?!" I asked as we stared at each other shocked.

"You two know each other?" Our dad's said at the same time confused at whats going on.

We broke our eye contact which caused my wolf to whine. I started to talk so she wouldn't have to be in The spotlight.

"Uh yeah we go to school together and we are friends." I said.

'Mates' my wolf spoke in my head.

"Oh that's nice to know that you guys are friends." Trenton said looking at Ivy then looking to me.

We all kinda stood there in awkward silence and I think my dad and mom knew there was something more when I said friends.

"Well if you want we can eat now?" Ivy said braking the awkward silence.

"Yeah that would be good." My dad said looking at her with a smile.

We soon made our way into the kitchen where there was an assortment of foods that all looked to be cooked not bought. It looked delicious.

After everyone got their food we all sat down.

Dad and Trenton were both at the ends of the table while mom and Mikey sat on one side and me and Ivy sat on the other.

After we all sat down everyone started eating while dad and Trenton talked about their memories and stuff and mom and Mikey talked which left me to talk to Ivy which I was happy about.

"So did you help make this because it's very good?" I said after eating some of the green beans and corn.

"No I'm not very good at cooking but my dad is. He is the one that made all of this." She said giggling at me stuffing my face with the steak.

"Hmm I'll make sure to thank him for the great meal before we leave." I said with a serious voice.

"You know you look very beautiful tonight." I told her to which she blushed like mad.

"T-thank you." She said stuttering a little.

"You know I find it absolutely adorable when you stutter." I said to which she replied with blushing more if that's even possible and looking down.

I knew my family could hear the conversation we were having because of their stupid werewolf hearing but I could care less because I'm already pretty sure they know she is my mate.

We got done before everyone else and she asked if I wanted to go up to her room and I obviously said yes so we put our plates up then she showed me the way to her room.

She opened her door and we walked into her room. It wasn't big but not small it was kinda perfect but she had a walk in closet. Her room was aesthetically pleasing as it all fit into the girly girl theme.

"So what do you think?"She asked noticing I was staring at her room.

"It's nice I see you were going for a theme. I like it."  I told her honestly.

"D-Do you think y-you could stay the night since t-there is no school t-tomorrow?" She asked and I could sense she was nervous by her stuttering.

"I bet I can just let me run it by my dad." I said smiling as I rubbed my thumb against her cheek to which she leaned into.

I went downstairs and had Ivy tell her dad.

"Hey dad can I stay the night here I promise I won't stay all day tomorrow and it's not like we have school...please she's my mate." I whispered into his ear. Seeing as they looked like they were about to leave anyway.

"Yeah sure but we are leaving and don't forget to thank Trenton for the dinner." He whispered back.

I saw that Ivy told her dad.

"Thank you mr.Wilson for letting me stay the night and for the wonderful meal." I told him with a smile.

"You're welcome and you can call me Trenton no need to be formal." He said with a loving smile on his face.

After I said bye to my family for the night and they left me and Ivy went upstairs and and hung out.

She said that I could borrow some of her clothes or just sleep in my sports bra and some her night shorts which I was most likely going to do as I usually sleep in my sports bra and shorts anyway.

Her dad came in to tell us he was going to sleep and there was stuff in the kitchen if we wanted a snack or drink.

We ended up playing twenty questions where I found out that she was pansexual and she found out I was lesbian.

'Yeah your lesbian for her dumbass ask her out or something now that we have a chance.' My wolf said.

Yeah I will calm thy self.

'It's bad enough that I have to sleep with her and not mate so shut up and do it already.'

Ok here goes nothing I guess.

"Hey Ivy?" I said pulling her attention away from the tv and pausing it.

"Yeah." She said looking at me.

"Will you go on a date with me." I asked and I heard her breath hitch.

"Y-Yeah." She said blushing.

I immediately started smiling like an idiot. I can't believe she said yes.

"Ok are you ready to go to sleep?" I asked her just as she yawned.

"Y-Yeah." She said still blushing.

We both got under the covers in the bed. Soon she fell asleep and I watched as her chest rose and fell before kissing her on the forehead and saying goodnight.

I fell into a deep sleep but not before I felt her out her head on my chest.


Yay another chapter that I wrote at three o'clock in the morning while I'm sad and depressed......yep sorry about that I'm tired.

Hope you enjoyed.

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