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Aye bro finally back with another chapter once again. welp let's get to it then.
Harper's P.O.V.

When I left Ivy's house I realized I didn't have a car with me but luckily there was a forest right beside Ivy's house.

I looked around to make sure no one was looking than I booked it into the forest so no one would see.

Once I made it deep enough into the forest you could no longer see me from out on the street I stood still and concentrated on the forest around me.

Next thing I know I open my eyes and I'm in my wolf form.

I started to slightly jog to the pack house slowly picking up speed.

Soon enough I reached the house and went into the barn where there are extra clothes and transformed back.

I walked into the house to see mom yelling at Mikey and Dean to stop rough housing in the living room.

"Yes ma'am." They said in sync.

That's when Mikey realized I was there and ran up to me and jumping on me.

"What's up broski?" I asked him to which he started laughing at the word broski.

"Nothin much. Me and Dean were about to go on a run, wanna join?" He asked looking back at Dean looking impatient and annoyed at the fact he invited me.

I'm pretty sure Dean had a crush on my brother and I found it cute on how he basically spoils him and Mikey doesn't even realize it. I'm pretty sure Mikey is gay but you never know.

"No thanks." I said back winking at Dean to which he just looked back at me stunned.

I just laughed and told the boys to get their run on while I go talk to dad.

As they walked out I headed into the kitchen to say hi to mom.

I walked up to the counter and set down waiting for her to turn around.

"Hey honey when did you get back?" She asked finally turning around.

"Just a few minutes ago." I said back putting my head on my shoulder looking bored.

"I'm pretty sure your dad wants to speak with you." Mom said looking at me with a serious face.

"Ok. Is he in his office?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She said back.

I got up out of the chair and went around the table and kissed my mom on the cheek. I told her I'd tell her what happened after we get done talking.

I then made my way up the stairs to dad's office seeing other pack members during the walk.

I said hi as they greeted me in the hallways.

I finally made it to the office door and took a deep breath before knocking.

"Come in." I heard him say from the other side of the door.

I walked in and set in the chair on the other side of the desk as him.

" found your mate....and they're a girl?" He asked monotone.

"...yes." I replied back a little scared for what to come.

We sat there in silence till slowly a smile showed on his face.

"We are going to have a nice little Luna?" He asked in an excited voice.

"Uh I mean yeah she is going to be my Luna." I said back surprised at how well he was taking this.

Now I'm not trying to say my dad is homophobic it's just that I kinda thought he was. He was raised in the south and I knew grandma and grandpa didn't like it. Dad just always seems so uptight and stuff I just thought he was.

"THAT'S AWESOME!" He said confusing me to the core.

"You're ok with this?" I asked him.

"Of course I am. I was hoping for this to happen because I know you aren't the girly type and would rather hang out with the guys and talk with them so I figured you weren't the best Luna material." He replied honestly.

"Fair enough." I said back.

"So tell me...when is the wedding?" My dad asked to which I choked on spit.


"Come on Harper I'm getting old and I need you to take over sometime." He replied back groaning.

"I'm not ready for that yet now if you'll excuse me I have to get ready for a date I have tonight." I said getting up and walking out of the office.

I walked into my bedroom and laid down on my bed looking up at the ceiling.

Dear god I'm seventeen. I don't need to be married yet. I might next year I would like to then to be eighteen at the least.

After awhile laying there I got up and headed back downstairs to talk to my mom.

Once I got downstairs I saw that mom wasn't in the kitchen anymore so I went back up stairs to the door to her's and dad's bedroom and knocked.

"Come in." I heard in my mom's angelic voice.

I opened the door and walked in to see my mom on the bed combing her wet hair. She must have just gotten out of the shower.

"Hey honey what did your dad want to talk about?" She asked as she stopped brushing and put the brush down.

I sat down beside her and told her everything that was said in the office between me and dad.

When I was done I looked over at her to see her smiling.

"I don't understand why he was so happy to know I was mates with a girl?" I said to mom saying it as a question.

"Honey your father has known you were gonna end up with a girl ever since you were eight and wanted to sign up for boxing." Mom said to me in a kind voice.

"Really?" I said in a questioning tone.

"Yep." She said back.

I hugged her and went back into my room to slowly get ready for my date tonight.


Next chapter is the date chapter so it's gonna be lit.

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