Two: Topaz Eye Color

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"when you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on"-theodore roosevelt

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"when you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on"
-theodore roosevelt

She had been up for hours when her alarm went off, since about 2 AM to be exact. Visions of her mother's dead body plagued her dreams and she had woken up with a sob. Gabriel and she had been in Forks for almost a week when they received the news that they were to be attending Forks High School starting Monday. The night prior had arrived and the two had gone to bed early, both dreading the thought of starting a new school.

Stepping into the cascading warm water immediately woke Safina up from her sleep-deprived state. Not wanting to be late, she sped through her morning routine, even bothering to put in her contacts which had not been worn for three weeks. Figuring that the weather would be chilly outside, she stuck with an olive green sweater and jeans along with checkered slip-ons. When she saw that she still had plenty of time left, she sat down at her desk and did minimal makeup to hide the dark circles and very obvious redness around her eyes.

Cherie called the two downstairs to bid them goodbye and good luck for their first day back and gave them hugs before leaving with the twins. Elliot offered the two a quick breakfast before they left, which they both accepted and quickly ate. They said their goodbyes and trudged out to the car that Gabriel had received as a gift.

"Why are they all staring?" Safina hated the attention they were getting from the students at the high school.

"Why do you think they're staring 'Fina?" Gabriel retorted, using his longtime nickname for his younger sister. She groaned and they continued walking to the office where they received their schedules and parted to walk to their classes with wishes of good luck to each other. Safina walked into Biology, already knowing she was going to hate the class. The teacher sat her beside a very pale-skinned girl donning curly, bronze hair that almost rivaled Safina's.

She introduced herself as Renesmee Cullen with a perfect smile which was awkwardly reciprocated and Safina introduced herself as well. She admitted to herself that the girl was beautiful, but strange, and her classmates seemed to think so as well.

Safina could hear the whispers of remorse directed at herself. While not wanting to be presumptuous, she felt it hard to understand why this girl, who was clearly smart as she never failed to raise her hand to answer questions or fumbled in her wording, was attending Forks High School as she had surely been granted better opportunities.

She forgot about Renesmee's strange psyche and picturesque looks until, in her US History class, whispers circulated again about how strange the boy sitting beside her was. Noting how his honey blonde hair framed his sharp jawline, she hated that the other students couldn't seem to find anything else to talk about. Trying to focus her eyes on the teacher seemed impossible when Adonis himself seemed to be sitting next to her. She didn't fail to notice his pale skin, which would have matched her lab partner's had it not been for the lack of color in his cheeks.

When lunch came, she was quick to find Gabriel and they sat at an unoccupied table after paying for their meal. She noticed the table near the large window that held Renesmee and the God-like boy she had seen but not met along with five other statuesque figures, all differing in looks but all similar in their pale skin and refinement. They sat, laughing and talking, and Safina barely noticed that Renesmee was the only one eating at the table.

The other Cullen, Jasper, she had learned as his name, turned to face her and gave a small smile which she returned and quickly looked down at her lap. Gabriel smirked at his sister and began taunting her about her new "boyfriend". She hit him on the shoulder and noticed the boy, who was definitely biologically related to Renesmee, staring gloomily at her before he began talking to the rest of the table. Before the bell rang, Jasper briskly walked out of the cafeteria, obviously upset about something.

With less than an hour left of school, Safina walked begrudgingly into her last class, Algebra II, gave her slip to the teacher to sign and sat in a designated spot. She noticed Jasper walk in and he paused when he noticed her, but continued to sit beside her.

"I'm Safina," she introduced herself to him with a confidence that had never been exerted before but continued to hold onto it.

"I'm Jasper," he smiled, "You're from Vermont, right?" Her face held obvious confusion, seeing as how she hadn't carried out a conversation at the school past introductions and hadn't told anyone where she was from. He explained, "My dad's the town doctor, he knows pretty much everything," and he gave a heart-stopping smile.

"O-Oh yeah, my dad talks about him, Carlisle, right?" the blonde nodded, "and, yes, I am from Vermont, Burlington, actually. Have you ever been?" He nodded and they continued to chat about her experience in Forks thus far and the reason for her sudden move was never brought up. Safina found it so refreshing that she almost didn't notice his topaz eye color.

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