Chapter eight

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***** Justice POV *****

Me and Jordan walked up to the hill to our favorite spot. I put down a Picnic blanket so we can lay down and look up to the sky and clouds. But I couldn't help myself to look down the hill into the woods to see what Sky and Jeffery were doing. I don't want Sky to fall for him again or get hurt. Wait! What did you just say Justice. Why don't you want your best friend to find another guy. Are you falling for her? No I can't I have Jordan and everything is great! But I just take a peek anyways. I could see them getting off the tree. Jeffery was already off and Sky was climbing down when.... Sky fell off and landed into Jeffery arms 😒 great!

I stop focusing on them and look at Jordan she beautiful with her blonde hair. But Sky just perfect with her brown. And Jordan's ocean blue eyes make me smile but Sky big hazel eyes give me butterflies. Why did Sky have to come into my life again I was fine without her. But I did miss her ALOT I hate having mixed emotions.

***** Sky POV *****

Jeffery and I ran into the woods to find the tree me and justice climb up on everyday. When I found I tried to climb but I just couldn't. I didn't remember it being this hard to climb. after about my fifth try Jeffery helps me by pushing me up. Once we were both on the tree Jeffery kept asking me what all the pictures we drew were, I couldn't blame him me and Justice were seven when we drew them. After about twenty minutes up in the tree we decided to walk back to the park.

Jeffery climbed down first, as I was going down I slipped but thank god that Jeffery caught me. he smiled and looked into my eyes which made me blush. Am falling for him? I can't I'm here to spend time with my best friend not for a summer romance.

***** Jeffery POV *****

When Sky fell into my arms I couldn't help but look into her big hazel eyes that made me melt inside. That summer I went to LA I fell for her... hard I didn't want to leave her but my life was in Utah. Now that's she's here it must be a sign I have to make my move. she asked me to put her down but I shook my head and started to run to the lake.she turned forward and knew where I was running to.

"You better not throw me in"

"Yea I am" I said with a smirk

She threw her phone on the grass by the lake. I counted to three and threw her in.

"Now help me up!"

I threw my phone next to hers and reached out my hand. when she grabbed mine and pulled me into the lake too.

"That's what you get" she laughed we stayed in the lake for a couple of minutes until we both got texts at the same time

"It must be A" she joked

We got out of the lake and saw that Justice texted to go back to the tree

***** Justice POV *****

I was worried about Jeffery and Sky they were gone for a long time now. I decided to run to our tree leaving Jordan at the park. When they weren't there I panicked. I added both of them to a group chat and texted them to come back to the tree ASAP. ten minutes later I see them both... soaked

"What happened!" I yelled

"Well Jeffery threw me in to the lake"

"You guys went to the lake without me!" I yelled again I feel left out

"I'm so sorry man" Jeffery apologized

"It's fine. Whatever let's just go to the park. Jordan is waiting for us there"

***** Sky POV *****

I feel bad for not inviting Justice to our little lake hangout but I was thrown in so i'll just tell myself it was Jeffery's fault. lol. Justice ran ahead of us so I decided to run after him leaving Jeffery walking by himself. When I get to the park Justice turns around with his eyes filled with tears and run back to the house. of course I chased after him

***** Justice POV *****

I ran ahead from them I just wanted to alone. I got to the park to see Jordan kissing my friend Bryan.


She looked over to me worried.

"It's not what is looks like I wasn't kissing back"

"Well you didn't push him away either"

I started tearing up. I heard footsteps behind my a turned around to see Sky. I had to many emotion and had no idea what to do so I just ran home.

When I got to my house I just barged in and ran up into my room and slammed the door. a few seconds later sky walks in.

best friends. (Justice Carradine fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now