Chapter 8: The Scattering Flowers are Calling, Are They Not?

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The following day was a Saturday.

Koremitsu was tying the laces of his sneakers, and Shioriko, holding Lapis in her arms, looked devastated as she approached him.

"You're going out again, Big Brother? I thought I could be with you today."

Recently, Koremitsu had been really busy over the matters regarding Tsuyako and Aoi, and he did not spend time with Shioriko even at home. He felt a pricking pain in his heart, probably sensing that he had made her lonely.

"I'll play with you tomorrow."

Koremitsu hurriedly said. Shioriko then covered Lapis' white fur over half of her face, and said pitifully,

"But...we can be together today. Can't I go out with you...? I'll be obedient."

"Th-That won't do. I'll be with you the whole day tomorrow, Shiiko. Play around with Lapis for today. Gramps will be happy if you play 5-in-a-row with him."


Shioriko lowered her eyes, looking utterly devastated, and this caused the pain within Koremitsu to pronounce itself. With a reluctant feeling, he opened the doors leading to corridor.

"Koremitsu, look back for a while."

Hikaru whispered softly at Koremitsu's ears with amusement.

Koremitsu turned his head behind, and found that Shioriko, who had her eyes lowered gently just a while ago, was making a funny face like a mischievous child, gritting her teeth, 'ii–' and making such a sound.

She probably never expected Koremitsu to look back.

Once their eyes met, her face reddened in an instant.


She yelled, and teetered off to the inside.

Koremitsu was flabbergasted.

Hikaru was chuckling away, seeming thinking that this was unbelievably cute.

"No matter how young a girl is, she probably has all sorts of thoughts about boys in her mind. The impishness Shiiko showed at the end was really cute though."

"That devastated look she showed before was an act...women are really..."

Upon thinking about the future, Koremitsu felt a chill on his back.

"I do think it is true that Shiiko feels lonely because you ignored her, big brother."

"Don't call me big brother there...alright, I'll accompany her tomorrow."

Koremitsu grumbled, scowling to hide his embarrassment.

He had agreed to meet Aoi at 11am, at the train station nearest to the art museum.

Miss Aoi will arrive 10 minutes earlier; as Hikaru had said this, Koremitsu arrived 15 minutes earlier.

But even once the appointed time had passed, Aoi did not show up.

"That is strange. Koremitsu, try calling Miss Aoi."

"I say, if I'm going to call her at exactly the time we're supposed to meet, I'm no different from a super psychotic guy now, right? Also, aren't you proud of how you waited six hours for a girl?"

"That is another girl here. Miss Aoi is a serious person and will definitely not be late. Do this for precaution, please?"

"You guys are really overprotective of her."

Koremitsu grumbled, but as he too was a little concerned. He tried calling her on the phone.

The message he got was that the phone was either not in the service area, or the number could not be reached.

"Oborodukiyo" - Hikaru ga Chikyuu ni Itakoro......(Volume 4)Where stories live. Discover now