Todoroki x Chubby! Reader x Midoriya (pt 2)

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After such an amazing time with Midoriya you soon had to come down from the high you were on. He was such a sweet boy. Did you really deserve this? Yes sure you felt like you were on cloud 9, you felt so amazing being with these two boys. You were just so happy but...did you really deserve them? Did you deserve getting treated like a queen? Like someone who mattered? Like a person? That was still on your mind. What Izuku said was so sweet of him and so nice but was it the truth or out of selfless pity for you?

Soon after thinking all these harmful things you walked up stairs to your bedroom. You kick your shoes off and plopped on the bed. A groan came from you it was a bit muffled since your face was buried in the comforter. You rolled over with much hesitation feeling exhausted. "God I really need to get ahold of reality here. C'mon (y/n) stop being an ass to yourself." You thought and sat up. "Ok now let's think about this. Midoriya is such a sweet boy but do you deserve him? Isn't he just a bit- no scratch that a LOT to out of my league. And Todoroki might as well be the prince to the peasant in this situation. Ughhhhghggghggh... I am feeling so conflicteeeeeed" you started taking off the dress to get ready for bed which is when your dad knocked on the door.

"Hey sweetheart can I come in?" He asked in a soft voice.
"Yeah just hold on a sec I'm getting pjs on."
You pulled on a oversized voltron shirt and some comfortable short shorts and walked over to open the door. "Hey dad, what's goin on?"

"Well I just wanted to talk to you about something is came home and I saw that little kiss you two shared. Well I didn't think it was time but I guess I should talk to you about something huh?" You looked at him confused but hooding that this wasn't going where you thought it might've been going. He gestured to your bed and the both of you sat down. "Now sweetheart I know it's about time that you're becoming a grown woman now and me and your dad were thinking that you should know about the birds and th- -"
"WHOA WHOA WHOA hOLd on there now dad I already know about all that! And I'm smart enough to know what not to do while still being in high school basically. You don't have to worry about that." You laughed a bit and he sighed in relief.
"Oh thank goodness because me and your dad just wouldn't know what to do on how to explain this to you. You know we're both guys so dealing with things like this is just a bit to much hahaha." He chuckled.
"Yeah I know, but you two don't gotta worry about your little girl ok? I know how to hold myself." He smiled and pulled you into a bear hug.

"Well I love you sweet girl and there's left overs down stairs if you want any."

"I LOVE YOU TO HONEY!!" Yelled another voice coming from down stairs and you laughed shaking your head.

"I LOVE YOU TO DAD! And I love you as well dad. Thank you now get out I got another date to go on tomorrow hah." You pulled your father up and started pushing him out much to his protest and him wanting to know who you were going on a date with. Thankfully you got the door shut buuut you could still hear your dad from outside.

You love your dads so much they take such good care of you and admittedly might be the reason you feel like your just a bit two sizes too big. Nonetheless you would do anything for them. Now your eyes felt a bit heavy so you crawled into your bed and turned the lamp off. Cozied into your (f/c) comforter. The glow in the dark stars were glowing and you soon fell asleep thinking about what you'd wear for tomorrow's date with Todoroki.

The sun unfortunately shown through your curtains and you groaned wishing you could have just a bit more time to sleep in your warm warm bed and not have to get up. Sadly you couldn't fall back asleep and so you sat up and checked your phone it was 2:09pm kinda early for you to wake up at that time on a weekend. You texted Todoroki on the specifics on the date.

You: hey Todoroki uh what time will the dinner be? And will you be picking me up? Or..

Toad oh rocky 🐸: Yes as is customary for the man I will be picking you up at 5:30 tonight I hope that's ok?

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