Sauske Uchiha x chubby! Reader. Get some rest

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I'm gunna say this will take place in a more modern setting in my mind but you can interpret it in anyway you want))

You were sitting down on a very comfortable couch waiting for your boyfriend to get home. His name was Sauske Uchiha. Pretty amazing right? You always wondered why he would want to be with someone like you. Was it your personality? The dumb jokes you tell? The comfortability that was you? Surely it wasn't your looks. You didn't look as nice in a dress as other girls might. Or as stunning in makeup as them either. You had very hard problems with your self esteem.

Truth be told you really wondered how anyone so handsome and important as Sauske. He was stoic sure but when around you he'd always open his doors just a little more, anything to have you closer to him. When you to went out together he'd always hope you close to him, especially in the winter. It was so cute to you when walking down town and he'd just slightly snuggle up to you when a chilling breeze past by. He'd always hold your hand in his jacket pocket while your warm soft (s/c) fingers were intertwined with his cold rough pale ones.

Only a few girls/ guys would look at you in displeasure, they thought he deserved someone who looked better. Like them! But to your knowledge he wouldn't give you up for anyone else. You're plump but beautiful body to him was perfect. Sauske loved everything about you and when he would come over for sleep overs he wouldn't hesitate to remind you every minute whilst holding your waist to him.

One thing that's caught your (e/c) eyes lately is the bags crowding under his own beautiful eyes. The raven haired boy raven blue tinted orbs started having dark circles around his eyes. Something didn't feel right about that so you had told him the day before to come over to your place to stay the night and talk about what was going on. At first he was very reluctant on coming, not wanting to bother you with his problems or things that might be upsetting him but one look at your irresistible face with adorable puckered pink lips and he was sealed. How could he say no after all?

So here you were just lounging on the couch thinking very hard about getting up and cleaning just a bit before he gets here but the warmth of the fire place in front of you is whispering otherwise. So instead you lay you're sleepy head on the (f/c) pillow while you're (h/l) (h/c) drapes over it. Your breathing slowed down and you relaxed your body into the comforting cushion of the couch. Soon enough the warmth of the atmosphere just pushed a wave of sleep on you.

While you were sleeping a certain young man was making his way to see you. He was dressed for the cold weather with a warm grey scarf loosely around his neck keeping his hot breath inside to warm his pinked nose. He had a navy blue sweater on with the sleeves and pocket a light blue-grey color. He had black gloves on his hands and a pair of grey sweatpants with black and white tennis shoes. Sauske wasn't in a hurry but he still wanted to get there quickly so that he was out of the cold. The harsh cold breeze pushing against his pale but now pink face. He wouldn't doubt that snow was in the near future for the town.

Soon enough he made it to your house and knocked on the door to no answer. Sauske knocked again a couple seconds later, but still no one answered so he took out his key to your house that you provided him with. You gave him it a couple months back on your 2 year anniversary of being together. He unlocked the door and the closed it back again locking it. He kicked his shoes off so he wouldn't track snow and mud in the house and began a short lived search for you.

He found your oh-so adorable self peacefully sleeping on the couch. Sauske huffed a bit in contentment seeing you and smiled just a bit. He walked over and kissed your forehead to which you only moved a bit to. So then he just gave more kisses around your face until your eyes fluttered open to such a beautiful sight, him! You smiled as the last kiss was placed on your lips and you happily returned the cute gesture. "Good evening beautiful" he said "how was your nap?"

You sat up and moved over a bit for him to sit down. "It was good but waking up was the real treat." You chuckled and so did he. "I'm happy you're here. Oh! Hold on I made us some hot chocolate." You got up and started for the kitchen where the pot of hit chocolate and two cups sat. As you were pouring the sweet hot liquid in the cups, Sauske was resting his eyes all laid back on the couch.

You walked back into the living room and saw him laying against the back of the couch with an arm out on the arm rest. You smiled sweetly at the sight and sat the cups down. This is why you wanted him to come over. "Sauske," you said his name which startled the man and you gave a sigh. "I wanted to talk to you about something." He perked up at that

"Oh yeah sure." You sat down beside him and held his hand running your thumb over his. He pulled you closer by the waist.

"Well I've noticed that lately you've had bags under your eyes. Like you haven't been sleeping well. And that's not healthy so I want to know what's wrong? Have you been up for work and staying to late Sauske? Cause you know how many time I've told you that's not healthy for you." You gave his hand a bit of a love squeeze and looked at him right in the eyes. As your gentle (s/c) caressed his pale hand you pulled him into your body heat, hugging him softly. His arms wrapped around you accepting the warm hug and pulled you onto his lap. You smiled at the little gesture, he's done this so many times that you haven't had the self destructing thought of 'I don't want to hurt you.' 'Aren't I too big?' 'Sauske I'm  much more fatter than you, put me down please!' To which he'd hush you up with a storm of kisses.

As you to say there with each other you spoke up once again. "I just wanted to know why you haven't gotten any sleep. You have enough bags under your eyes to be considered a grocery store." You giggled a bit "but if you don't want to tell me you don't have to either sweetie." He sighed in defeat at your big beautiful (e/c) puppy eyes.

"I..uh, I don't know how to tell you." You instantly prepared for the worst. Was he cheating? Could you blame him? No don't think like that (y/n) he's a loyal person. Not like anyone you've been with before. "I've been having this nightmare and it gets worse every time I close my eyes to sleep." He laid his head down on your shoulder and gentle squeezed your plump sides for comfort. You ran your fingers through his hair and hummed for him to go on. "Well, it's about you. You leave me for someone better. Someone who treats you better and can get you better things then I can. So I feel like I'm not doing enough for you and I'm not good enough for such an amazing person like you." He reaches out for the hot chocolate and took a sip before setting it down.

"Oh..Sauske sweetheart I would never. You're the only one I love. You treat me so much better then anyone I've been with before. You're kind and open up to me all the time which I know is a bit hard for you. I love you." You ran a soft and caring hand over his soft but cold face and placed a loving kiss on his cheek. "How about me and you go to sleep in my bed and see if that'll help?" You smiled and climbed off of his lap.

Sauske was already missing the heat you provided and scooped you up which startled you just a bit. He started walking you to the bedroom to lay both of you down on the cushioned bed and wrapped both of you up in the blankets. You're (s/c) legs were wrapped together with his. Eyes were heavy but you both looked at each other while his arms snakes around your waist to get even closer. "I love you so dearly (y/n)..." You blushed a bit and smiled burying your face in his chest, inhaling the sweet smell that seemed to follow him everywhere. With that you two fell asleep and the nightmare didn't come back.

Oof I'm sorry if this coming out a bit late but here you are Key-mochichan

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