Seven deadly sins Ban x Chubby!reader

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A/N I'm only caught up with what's on Netflix so I'm going off from there!!))

It's been just a little more then a few years since you joined the seven deadly sins. You could hardly believe that this group of unique individuals would consider a plump person like yourself to join but they did and if that wasn't enough they were all so nice and kind to you. You didn't feel like you could contribute much to the team but they always reassured that you being around was a big help in itself.

You had a special relationship with a certain Fox sin though. Ban was the one who asked you about joining them and their adventures. Soon enough you all became good friends! As some years passed by you and Ban had started developing a deeper relationship with one another.

You both always looking after each other. It was sweet, you really felt cared for, something that came by rarely in your travels you were on before joining this team of sins. The relationship you built over the years with Ban eventually lead to you falling desperately for him.

You knew about his other love in the fairy Kings forest but you just couldn't help yourself. He was so kind towards you and caring in his own way. Even if he could get to be a little much you liked that about him to, you felt like you wanted to protect him from everything. Even if he is immortal, you didn't wanna see harm come to him. Which is why you felt sorry when all his attempts at bringing Elaine back didn't work. You could feel his soul slowly being crushed each time. But thankfully you were always there right beside him to cheer him up. You wanted to be someone he could put faith in and trust. Someone he could come to in hard times. That's exactly what you wanted even if you could be nothing more than friends.

A day came by when you really felt like talking to him about how you felt. Feeling swelling up inside you with all the love around in the air. You were sitting in a hot spring that was in the woods near the Boar Hat talking with Diane about all of your feelings. You were practically spewing out your heart to her about Ban while she sat there with a big smile. She kept telling you to just tell him, ask him out but you didn't, you just couldn't ruin what you had with Him. You two were best buddies and enjoyed each other's presence.

As you were talking with Diane you would tell her all the small moments you cherished over the years. "When I'd say a stupid joke that didn't even make much sense, he'd still chuckle and pat my head or if I messed up the order in which it went he'd call me a dork but... you know in a nice way. That stupid but remarkably cute smirk he'd always wear. Gosh Diane he's really something you know, but he just wouldn't like me that way. I feel like I'm just too big compared to the last girl he liked and maybe even the ones before her!" Diane gave you a pitiful smile and put a hand on your shoulder, thankfully she was in her small form.

She gave you a sigh. "I can understand that (y/n), it hurts I know what you're going through probably better than anyone here right now. When I had to come to terms with captain and Elizabeth it took a while and even after I can't say that I still didn't envy Eli for having all of his attention takes time and now I really like King.. he's very sweet and I can't believe I've only just noticed this! Mmm look what I'm trying to say is that you should talk to Ban..tell him how you feel because if you don't you'll always regret not ever speaking out about your true feelings."

She went on to say, "And I'll tell you, it'll be super hard and so difficult to even try to start that conversation and even worse if he doesn't feel the same but... I'll always be here for you! I'll always be the shoulder you can come to and cry on (y/n)," she pulled you into a tight hug. It felt just a bit comfortable with the both of you being naked but hey...she was being super sweet.

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