Chapter 1

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Law heaved a heavy sigh as he stared up at the college he would now be attending. A total downgrade, if you ask him. He couldn't believe that his birdbrained good for nothing Uncle forced him to come back to this small town. He would have preferred to have stayed overseas in London, preparing for his 4th year at UCL. You know, only one of the top medical schools in the world. The conversation still made Law grit his teeth and scowl in displeasure... Doffy never listened to anyone but himself.

"Laaaaw, you know as well as I do that you'll have a better chance at finding your soulmate here. At home where you belong." Doflamingo insisted in a playful tone.

Law rolled his eyes and scoffed, " You already know that I don't give a shit about that Soulmate garbage, Doffy. I could care less about finding my destined one."

" Law, you're already twenty-two," he could hear his uncle's quiet sigh, "most people find their mates in Highschool so I think I've given you enough time to full around." And just like that his playful tone was gone and his rare-used parenting voice bled through, "I expect you to be on that plane and back here tomorrow. Corazon and I have already made all the proper arrangements for your future schooling. See you soon, kid."

" DOFLAMINGO! DON'T YOU DAR-" Law cut off when he heard the beeping that told him the call had been ended.

" Well, that's just fan- fucking-tastic. I'm sure this will be a great time..." He said to himself. He knew that he couldn't defy Doffy when he was like this. Especially not if he roped his dad into this.


Law knew full well that he was past that age and had little hope of finding his soulmate this late in the game. The way it worked was people usually found their soulmate in the timespan of their first year of Middle School all the way to their last year of High School. Mates are usually born in the same town, or fairly close to each other because they are meant to meet. In rare cases, they can be born far apart, but are eventually brought together by some weird coincidence.

People know when they have found their mates because a tattoo of their names will appear on the underside of their arms. Like his friend Zoro when he met Sanji through him. Zoro got Vinsmoke Sanji on his left arm, and Sanji got Roronoa Zoro on his right. Law smirked at the memory. Their reactions were priceless since the two fought like cats and dogs whenever they were together. Though Law suspected that was just a way to release the tension that was between them... although there was always that other way.

He continued to walk through the halls to his first class. Everything was going smoothly until he turned the corner and somebody smashed into him. Which he meant quite literally as he was thrown backward and landed on his ass and somebody was sitting on top of him.

"Shishishi. That was fun!" The person above him laughed weirdly.

Law's first instinct was to throw this weight off of him and snap at whoever just decked him to the floor. That was until he looked up and saw the guy. It was a kid with these big brown doe eyes, with a scar under the left one, and an overwhelmingly big-toothed grin and if that wasn't enough the kid was staring down at him with the cutest expression.

Law didn't even register anything but the boy's face until he felt a searing pain on the underside of his right arm, which caused him to wince and then scowl in displeasure.

The person didn't seem to realize Law's mood and spoke with a slightly high-pitched happy voice. "Sorry for running into you!" He could tell that the brat wasn't sorry at all with just one look into his mischievous eyes. "I was trying to escape a lecture from that annoying teacher, Akainu..." The kid's face darkened slightly at the name but it vanished within the next second.

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