Chapter 6

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Shane and Alice stepped out into the cold night air. The sky was inky black, but orange lamps lit up the street. Alice shivered. "Uh, okay, what now?" she asked, looking at Shane.

"I don't know, where are you going?" Shane replied.

Where the hell am I going? Alice asked herself. "Uh, look Shane, I'd better tell you, I woke up on the street a few minutes ago, I have no idea where I am or what year it is" she blurted out. Shane paused, and laughed. "Yeah, right, seriously Alice, where do you live, I'll walk you home if you want" Shane smiled.

'No Shane, I'm being serious, I ... I think I have amnesia" she lied.

"Seriously?" Shane asked.

"Seriously" she insisted.

"Well, can you remember anything? said Shane, looking concerned.

"I mean, I know who I am and everything, My name is Alice Monroe and I'm sixteen years old"

"Alice Monroe" Shane repeated. "Nice name, anyway, I'd better fill you in" he continued. "It's two thousand and five, and we're in Long Beach, California, any questions?" he finished.

"Uh, no, I don't think so...Well, thanks for everything Shane, but I'd better get going" Alice announced, and began to walk away. 

"Woah, where the hell do you think you're going?" Shane exclaimed, grabbing onto her arm. Alice whipped round to face him. She caught her breath as she stared up at Shane's worried face.

"What's wrong?" she asked in a small voice. "What's wrong??" he cried. "I'm not going to let you walk away into the night, anything could happen to you!" 

Alice blushed as Shane swallowed and let go of her wrist. She tugged down the sleeve of her sweater and shivered. 

"You can stay with me" Shane announced suddenly. Alice looked up at him in surprise. 'What?" she echoed. 'Are you sure? You might not be allowed, will your parents mind?" she babbled.

"I'm sure my mom won't mind, I'm seventeen for god's sake, and I don't give a f*ck what my dad thinks" Shane said coldly.

Oh crap, I forgot, his dad is an alcoholic *sshole! Alice thought, mentally slapping herself.

"Okay, well, if it's okay, it'll just be for a few nights, I promise I won't be any bother. By the way, what day is it?"

"Sunday" Shane replied, checking his watch. 'And it's ten o' clock, my mom and brother will kill me if their food gets cold" he said, swinging the plastic bag of food around.

"Oh" said Alice. "I thought it was all for you" Alice said, and regretted it as soon as the words came out of her mouth. To her relief, Shane just laughed. 

"I don't blame you for thinking that, but the two burritos are for my mom and brother, Jerid, the two tacos are mine" he smiled.

"Oh, okay" Alice said slowly, and there was an awkward silence for a minute. "Kay, let's roll" Shane announced and he and Alice started to walk.

"So" Alice said, after a few minutes of silence. "What school do you go to?"

"Lakewood High" Shane replied, scratching his forehead wearily.

"Cool" Alice said, biting her lip.

"Yeah, it's a dump" Shane laughed. "Is it really that bad?" Alice asked.

"Oh, trust me, it's hell' Shane assured her. "It's basically your stereotypical American high school, with cheerleaders and jocks and nerds, but all those people fit into groups, and they kinda belong, you know?" Shane continued. "Then there's a handful of people left over, like me, who don't fit in anywhere. I'm not smart, I'm not athletic, and because I'm on the outside, people pick on me!"

"I'm so sick of high school, I can't wait to get the f*ck out!" Shane exclaimed, clenching his fists so his knuckles turned white. He looked down at Alice, as if he'd forgotten she was there.

"Sorry" he muttered, looking down at the ground. Alice felt shocked. This was a side she'd never seen of Shane before, and it felt very odd that he wasn't all laughs and jokes.

She felt an irresistible urge to hug him, so she did. She turned to him suddenly and wrapped her slender, white arms around his massive frame, causing him to drop the plastic bag of food in surprise.

"Woah" Shane said softly, but after a moment, hugged Alice back. They broke apart and smiled at each other awkwardly. "Here, let me help you" said Alice, reaching down to pick up the plastic bag from the pavement and handed it to Shane.

Then, they continued to walk.

"Do you get bullied a lot?" Alice asked suddenly, looking up at Shane. "Yep, pretty much every day" Shane answered. "But it doesn't bother me much, I know they're all just ignorant losers who won't get anywhere in life" he smiled. "I bet you were never bullied" he sighed.

"Actually you're wrong" Alice said without thinking. "I mean, it's weird, because of the amnesia, there's some stuff I remember, like being bullied everyday by this girl, Amy Johnson" she stammered.

Oh, really?" Shane said, looking vaguely puzzled. "Why do you sound so surprised?" said Alice, cocking her head.

"Well, look at you!" Shane exclaimed. "You're beautiful!". Alice stopped walking, and so did Shane.

"You think I'm beautiful?" she asked softly. "Yes" Shane said slowly. "Don't you?".

Alice lowered her head. "No one's ever called me beautiful before" she whispered, her voice thickening. Shane suddenly tucked a strand of black hair from her forehead  and she looked up at him, blinking tears away.

"You're perfect, and don't ever think you're not".

Alice smiled sadly and Shane picked up the bag from the ground. "Okay, we really have to start walking, or we'll never get there" he said, and they both began to walk quickly.

Before Alice knew it, they arrived at a crumbling apartment block. "This is it" Shane declared scratching his forehead.  He and Alice walked up the steps and Shane held open the entrance door for her. Alice smiled at him and they both headed for the stairs.

The apartment building smelled of mould and rat poison but Alice ignored it. She trudged up the stairs alongside Shane, humming under her breath.

The whole "Oh my god, it's Shane Dawson" feeling was gone now, and Alice felt like she was walking next to an old friend. After walking up four flights of stairs, Shane stopped and bent down, his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

Alice waited patiently and when he stood up straight, he smiled apologetically at her. 'Sorry, I freaking hate those stairs" he admitted."It's fine" said Alice, smiling warmly. "Okay, how much longer do we have to walk?" she yawned.

"Actually, we're here" said Shane, nodding to a row of doors to their left. He led Alice toward them and swung open a door in the middle. He held it open for her and they both stepped inside.

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