Chapter 3

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Alice left her school bag at the door and tiptoed down the hallway. She cautiously opened the living room door and peeked inside. Yep, there's mom, passed out on the couch as usual. Every day since she was nine she'd been coming home to the same sight.

Her unconscious mother stretched out on the couch, surrounded by empty cans and bottles. She'd only started drinking when dad left.

She started hitting Alice when the money ran out. Then, when Alice was fourteen, her mom tripped on the sidewalk and broke her ankle. She claimed disability and got a few thousand dollars . She spent all the money on alcohol, not a penny on Alice.

Alice had gotten a job in McDonald's. Her cousin, Mark, was the manager, and he let her work at such a young age. Alice was a vegetarian and working there used to turn her stomach, but there was no other way to make money.

She'd had to live on fruit and vegetables. She didn't work there anymore, but she ran errands for Mark on the weekends. 

Alice closed the living room door and crept to the bedroom. She put on pyjamas, grabbed a cereal bar from a stash she kept underneath her bed and a towel from the bathroom to dry her hair.Then, grabbing her old laptop, she jumped into bed.

She turned on the laptop and headed straight for YouTube. She watched a few vlogs from some of her favourite YouTubers. Olga Kay, Jacksfilms, Damon Fizzy and Tobuscus, she liked them. But the couldn't compare to Shane Dawson.   

She could watch his videos for hours on end. She felt really connected to him, and if she was having a bad day, he could always make her feel better.

She knew he'd had a rough childhood, like her, with an abusive, alcoholic father. She smiled as she clicked onto one of his new videos. Suddenly, she heard groaning from the living room. 

"Crap" Alice muttered and shoved the laptop under her bed. 

"Ugh, Alice are you there? Alice's mom called wearily.

"Yeah, what is it?" Alice yelled back.

"Do we have any more Vodka?" she barked.

Alice sighed and got off her bed. She walked into the living room to find her mother, standing up next to the sofa, holding onto a lamp for support.

"Mom, you don't have any money left, I'm pretty sure you spent the last of it on all of this" Alice said, gesturing to the empty cans and bottles lying on the floor.

"Oh f*ck, you're right, I forgot", Alice's mother slurred. "That cousin of yours, Mark, the one you're always with on the weekend, he have any beer in his house?" 

"Mom, I'm not stealing alcohol for you!" Alice exclaimed. "And anyway, he doesn't even drink".

"Oh well then.." Alice's mother sighed, and stretched back on the couch. "How much does he pay you, anyway? she asked. 

  "A few dollars a week, nothing to get excited about" Alice replied. "And don't even think about taking it, you'll never find it" Suddenly, Alice's mother lept up from the couch, walked up to Alice and slapped her, hard, on the face.

"What was that for?' Alice shrieked. "Have respect for your mother" her mother said simply. 

"There is no reason for me to show you respect, you've never done anything for me!" Alice cried. "I've had to do everything for myself and look after you all my life, and I've never spoken back to you!" Alice's mother remained silent.

"Even when you drank all the money and hit me when I wouldn't get you more, I took all your bullshit!"she shrieked. "It was my sixteenth birthday last week and you never even acknowledged it! You've never remembered my birthday, not one! So, don't tell mr to show you respect, you don't deserve it!"

No one said anything for a few seconds. Then, Alice's mother took a deep breath. 

"Get out of my house" she said.

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