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The next day, Jimin called me in the afternoon which was weird since Jimin was usually studying with Namjoon on Sunday afternoons. I rolled over on the floor of my bedroom and picked up.


“Hi Hobi, are you available to talk right now?”

“Yes, why?”

“I kind of need to talk to someone about something…”

“Is something the matter?”



“I think Namjoon has a boyfriend.”

I rolled on my back, resting my legs on the side of my bed, a frown forming on my face. “And why do you think that?”

“He called earlier saying he wouldn't be able to come over today because that Heejun guy texted him asking him if he wanted to hang out and Namjoon said yes.”

“Jimin that doesn't mean he has a boyfriend, he just simply agreed to hang out with someone.”

“But how did Heejun get his number? Did Namjoon give it to him? Can't you see that this means that they've talked more outside of that time they met in the lunchroom?”

“Calm down Minnie. I don't think they're dating. And even if they are why is it such a big deal?”

“Are you really asking that Hoseokie? Where have you been this whole time?”

I paused for a second. I didn't quite understand what he meant by that. And then it hit me.

“You like Namjoon?”

“Yeah, I do.”

I could sense Jimin shaking his head at my obliviousness.

“How come you never told me?”

“I thought I was obvious!”

“Maybe you were. I guess I'm bad at realizing things.”

“That doesn't matter now Seokie, what matters now is that I was too scared to confess to Namjoon and now someone else has swept him off his feet.”

I rolled my eyes as Jimin 'cried’ about not asking Namjoon out sooner.

“Jimin stop being upset over something that's not true. If you really want to be with Namjoon you would be thinking of a better way to sweep him of his feet.”

There was silence on Jimin's line and for a second I thought what I said upset him until he spoke up again.

“You're right Hobi. I should really start doing things instead of regretting not doing them.”

“I'm glad you're willing to do so.”

“Hobi you're such a good friend. I called Yoongi earlier and asked if we could talk but he said to leave him alone because he was, and I quote, ‘still recovering from seeing a beautiful angel get taken by a man that masks his monstrous face with the face of a handsome high school male student.’”

“Sounds like he saw a really good movie.”

“It does doesn't it? But he said he saw it right before his eyes and I think it might be true considering how 'poetic’ and dramatic Yoongi gets.”

“Well that's true.”

“So how was the movie with Seokjin yesterday?”

“It was great. He's a great guy to watch movies with, he doesn't hog up all the popcorn.”

“I bet Namjoon would though, I wouldn't be mad though. As long as he's happy I'm happy.”

“Jimin I'll leave you to your daydreams about Namjoon for now. See you tomorrow.”

“Alright, goodbye Hobi.”

Jimin hung up after he said goodbye and I did a small pout. I wanted to hang up first.

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