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Unfortunately, I wasn't the one to tell everybody about Yoongi and I.

It was Minseo.

According to Yoongi (who was mad at her for doing this) Minseo had told Taehyung through text when they got home from my place and he told Jungkook and Jin on their way to school this morning. Jin then told Seohyeon who told Namjoon who quickly texted Jimin the news. The way the news spreaded sounded funny to me but I didn't laugh because Yoongi looked extremely upset as he told me this.

"I can't believe she would do that." Yoongi said, furiously chewing his food. "I was so excited to show everyone that we're a couple now but she had to go and tell Taehyung."

"I know, I was too. But I guess she didn't think Taehyung was going to tell anyone." I said rubbing his arm.

"Taehyung tells Jungkook and Jin everything and she knows that." He said as he continued to eat.

I stayed quiet and decided to eat some of my lunch. Yoongi still looked mad and his face didn't look anything close to how Jimin looks like when he's mad. He looked downright scary.

We ate our lunches in silence as the view from the roof of the school was very nice and kept us entertained.

My phone suddenly buzzed scaring me and Yoongi. I quickly took it out my pocket to check what it was.




It's Jintae, Jihun got his phone taken away.


He wanted me to tell you.

Add contact?

No Yes

Change contact name?

No Yes

Change contact name to...


Contact name changed.


Ok, thanks for telling me. 😄😄😄

I put my phone away, not waiting for Jintae to answer back and went back to eating.

"Must be nice to be popular," Yoongi said drinking his water. "I could've sworn your phone buzzed liked five thousand times."

"Well, when you're this cute you gain fans," I told Yoongi who started laughing. "Are you really mad at Minseo?" I asked Yoongi since he looked like he had cooled down a bit.

"Kind of." He said. "I just really wanted to tell everyone that we're boyfriends myself. I planned it out too."

"What were you going to do?"

"I was going to kiss you in front of everyone during lunch." He said smiling at me. I blushed and looked down at my lap. If he kissed me in front of everyone during lunch, then that would mean not only our friends would know but everyone in the cafeteria. That sounded nice, since it wouls let everyone know we were together but also scary since there was so many judgy people at our school.

Especially those cheerleaders. They haven't bothered me since The Incident but I'm sure they would start again if Yoongi and I kissed in front of the entire lunch room.

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