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On Wednesday, Dawon came to my room and woke me up to some horrible news about our father.

According to the doctors, whom had called our mom that morning, our father was having difficulties throughout the night and, after various attempts to save him, he was declared dead in the morning.

It was so much to take in at once and it was so early in the morning that all I could do was stare at Dawon and her tear streaked face.

“Mom said you don't have to go to school today.” Dawon said, crouching down by the side of my bed. “She said that she already arranged the funeral for this Friday and that the funeral home already went to get dad.”

“Can we go see him?” I asked, the news of my father's death finally beginning to settle in and start to affect me.

“I'll ask mom, but I'm sure we can.” She said patting my head. We stayed silent for a bit until she spoke up again.

“Do you want to come downstairs or do you want to keep sleeping?”

“I want to go downstairs.” I said getting up. Dawon nodded and offered me a smile which I returned.

I followed Dawon out my room and to the living room where our mom was, reading some papers that I assumed had to do with our father. Dawon cleared her throat and our mom quickly looked up at us. A small, tired smile appeared at her lips before she got up and hugged me and Dawon.

“I'm sorry.” She said as she squeezed us and rubbed our backs. “I'm sorry.”

“Mom, don't be.” Dawon said pulling back from the hug and looking at our mom. “It's not your fault that dad passed away, it's nobody's fault so please don't blame yourself.”

She nodded and pulled Dawon back into the hug, squeezing me harder in the process.

“Mom,” I said and she hummed in response. “You can cry if you want, you shouldn't have to cry alone.”

“Yeah mom,” Dawon said, her voice cracking a little. “I know dad wouldn't have wanted us to cry, but it's better to let it all out instead of keeping it in and letting it hurt you.”

I don't know how much our mother has been holding in, but she cried a lot after we told her it was ok to let it out. She excused herself after a minute of crying and went to her room to 'compose herself, as she said.

“Do you think you'll be able to see dad at the funeral? His body I mean.” Dawon said to me when our mother stepped out.

“I don't know.” I said looking at the floor. “I think it'll be worse when I see him in the..” I couldn't finish my sentence since the fact that my father was dead was hit me harder than before. And it hurt even more.

“We should check on mom.” Dawon said wiping her eyes and face to get rid of the tear marks.

“Yeah.” I said doing the same.

We found our mom sound asleep in her bed.

“Poor lady.” Dawon said looking at our mom. “She's been worrying too much lately.”

“We should let her sleep.” I said walking over to her closet and grabbing a blanket. “She must be exhausted.”

Dawon nodded and helped me cover our mom who remained unbothered by the sudden movement in her room.

Once our mother was covered by the blanket just enough to keep her warm, Dawon and I headed back to the living room.

“So,” Dawon said as she sat down next to me on the couch. “How was it like riding in a limo in the middle of a week on a school morning?”

I looked over at her feeling a little confused at her sudden question about yesterday. Especially since it was something so joyous while the events that have happened so far today have been far from that.

“Sorry,” She said when she saw my face. “I'm trying to lighten the mood. You look like your about to cry your guts out so I said the first thing that popped into my head that would surely bring your spirits up.”

“Oh it's fine it's just a little hard processing all of this. I don't want dad to be dead, but he is and it hurts. There's so much left for him to see and experience but he won't be able to.” I said biting my lip to prevent myself from crying.

“Let it out Hoseok,” Dawon said as she rubbed my back. “You can't tell others to let it all out when you yourself keep it all in.”

I cried on Dawon's shoulder while she cried on mine. Even though we were hurting, having each other's presence helped us feel somewhat better.

After we had cried until we were too tired to keep crying, we let go of each other and sat properly on the couch. I didn't want us to stay quiet and let the sadness take over again so I went back to Dawon's question that she had asked prior to what had just happened.

“It was amazing,” I said. “Riding the limo that is.” I added since this time, Dawon was the one who looked confused.

“Oh,” She said smiling. “I bet it was.”


“You're lucky, you know that Hoseok?” Dawon said looking over at me and grabbing my hand.

“What do you mean?” I asked staring back at her. Her smile grew bigger.

“What I mean is, you have so much love and support from those around you. When you came out, our parents could've been like any other parents who disown their children when they come out, but they didn't. They supported you through the whole thing, and will continue to do so, even if dad won't be able to physically stand next to you from now on. You have friends and a boyfriend who constantly give you love and support, which you also give back to them. You're smart, you're talented and you have a kind soul.”

“You forgot something.” I said looking over at her.

“What did I forget?” Dawon asked raising her eyebrow.

“That I have the best sister in the world.”

[A/N: I tried to lighten the mood up towards the end since the chapter started up a bit sad. The next chapter won't be as sad. Also! Only two more chapters left! I'm excited but also a little sad to see this story end. Anyways, hope you all have a good day/night!💜]

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