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“Hello?” I said into my phone. An unknown number had called me and Yoongi told me to pick up since they kept calling. Seeing that I had answered the phone call, Yoongi paused the movie and leaned in so he could listen in on my phone conversation.

“Hi Hobi.” The person on the other line said.

“Who's this?” I asked a little scared that the stranger knew my name.

“Namjoon.” The voice on the other line replied.

“Oh, hi Joonie.” I said feeling a little relaxed that I was talking to someone I knew and not some creepy stranger. “How are you?”

“I'm fine, how are you?” Namjoon asked and I heard some laughing in the background.

“I'm doing fine as well, say is there anyone with you?” I asked trying scooting away from Yoongi since he was clinging on too closely. Unfortunately it didn't work and it only resulted in him pulling me closer to him.

“Yes, I'm with Heejun. I'm actually calling from his phone right now.” Namjoon said and I heard some shuffling in the background which was followed by a loud thud and groans of pain.

“Namjoon? Are you ok?” I asked since it was clear it was him who was hurt.

“I'm ok, I just tripped. Heejun helped me up.” Namjoon said.

“I'm glad you're ok Joonie, but why is Heejun with you exactly?” I asked.

“We were hanging out talking about some things, he’s the one who asked me to call you from his phone actually, he said he wanted to talk to you.”

“Oh, well about what?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure. Why don’t you talk to him right now?”

“Alright then, put him on the phone.” I said as I tried once again to pull away from Yoongi. Sadly he still wouldn’t let go. I heard some movement and next thing I know I’m talking to Heejun on the phone.

“Greetings Hoseok.” Heejun said.

“Hello Heejun, I heard you wanted to talk to me?” I said smiling. Yoongi pulled me closer and I felt like his hug was probably worse then Taehyung’s.

“Yes, that’s true. I actually wanted to ask you a favor.”

“And what’s this favor?” I asked as Yoongi tried to change our current position without letting go of me.

“Well, we all know Jimin likes Joonie, right?”

“Yes.” I said.

“Well, me and Joonie were talking about it and we decided that we need to hear a confession from Jimin pronto or else this ship will not sail.”

“Did you and Namjoon discuss this or did you tell Namjoon this and he just nodded his head?” I asked making Yoongi laugh.

“Maybe, but that's not the point. The point is that we need to get Jimin to stop sending love notes to Joonie and get him to confess to him.”

Yoongi moved again, loosening his grip on my a bit and I took it as a chance to quickly get up and go to the kitchen. “Ok,” I said as I took a seat at the table. “But how are we doing this? Jimin's kind of stubborn at times so it'll be kind of hard to do much to get him to confess.”

“I was thinking of dropping little hints that Namjoon likes him. Kind of subtle but not too subtle hints so that it doesn't completely fly over his head.”

“But what if our not so subtle hints still manage to fly completely over his head?” I asked glancing over at the door. Yoongi had been trying to sneak in but unfortunately for him, I saw him before he did anything to scare me. Defeated, he decided to go look through the fridge.

♡The Small Things||YOONSEOK♡Where stories live. Discover now